"I--" Your mouth fell ajar as you curse Kid in your head.

Bonney took your hand and grinned while shaking it.

"Hey, it's cool, Y/N. Sorry to cause misunderstanding between you and your husband. You see, he's like a brother to me."

The warmth radiating from her made you at ease but not completely.

"I'm sorry for thinking such thing of you, Bonney." You smiled with embarrassment.

"If I'm being honest, you're far more attractive than Kid. If I were to choose, I'd choose you HAHAHA." Bonney giggled and shocked you with a hug like a long lost friend.

Kid grabbed Bonney's shirt from behind then peeled her off away from you. The lady didn't mind and just laughed it off.

"Jeeeeez, Kid's so je--"

"Y/n, this is Bonney. Bonney, that's Y/N, my wife." Kid cut her off immediately

When she leaned back, she invited you to accompany her on a new pizza house in town, ignoring Kid's disapproval look. Feeling the need to know her more, you didn't hesitate to go with her, leaving the red head behind with just a small bye.

Reaching the said pizza house, she ordered a lot. That explains the numbers of plates you've seen in the pictures before. Bonney insisted to order the same numbers for you but you told her that you might not be able to take everything in.

" I was informed about the tension in the Eustass mansion. You really suggested divorcing Kid just because of false accusation?" Bonney said. You felt a little uncomfortable to discuss the matter with her because the issue involved her.

"Yes but umm, it wasn't just because of that. There are other matters too." You said. She hummed as she finishes here third plate before speaking again.

" You do know you'll be punished by the Written Agreement if you were the first to file a divorce even without violating anything, right? That's what your mom wrote on the end of the agreement if I wasn't mistaking."

"You know about our Written Agreement?"

She only nodded as an answer.

"Of course, you are their close friend." You said.

"So why did you want to file and sacrifice half of your property? You said there are other matters aside from mistaking me as Kid's other woman." She insisted on hearing more of your story.

"I...hmm, because I thought he's tired of being with me. Of course, I am tired too but I was putting his sake first. I thought he'd be happy if I give up our marriage and half of my property as part of business." You explained. Bonney stared at you for a while as if waiting for more information.

"Is that all? No other reasonnnnnn?" She motioned her spoon circular, encouraging you to speak more.

"If you think it's because of another man, then no. I don't have another man, Kid is enough headache to me." You said softly. You heard her muffled giggle so you lifted your gaze on her. You asked why she found your statement funny but she said it's nothing. She diverted the topic into some other things, telling you a little history of what she knows about your husband.

Having the time with her, she informed you about her arrival at the city because Kid needed her service for something. It wasn't clear what it was but you didn't give much attention to its detail, thinking it's just one of Kid's work. That also explains how the Eustass brothers knew her but the following personal story made you want to listen more about them, about him.

"Your husband is surely short-tempered since we were young. Guess he never changed at all huh."

"Mmmaybe, but to be honest, he's less annoying these past weeks."

Written Agreement (Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now