Chapter 17

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By the time they were done shopping it was late afternoon and Billy was exhausted. All he wanted to do was go put on his new record, but of course the kids had other plans.

"Billy, can I sleep over at Will's house?" Max asked. Turning hopeful eyes up at him.

"No Max.." Billy murmured, fixing her with the look. Surely Max was smart enough to know why she couldn't sleep over.

"Oh please Billy...I can just ring mum when I get to Will's house."

"It's not your mum I'm worried about Max, you know who's in charge..." Billy reminded.

"Please Billy just this once...I never get to go to sleep overs."

"Fine, I'll drive you...and you can call them-but if Neil says no, that's final." Billy sighed.

"Thanks Billy!" Max hummed. "Oh, would a couple of the others be able to ride with us, we can't all fit in Will's mum's car."

"Alright shitbird...but they better not leave any gross shit in my car or their dead." Billy warned.

In the end it was Lucas and El who chose to ride with him. El tried to sit in the front seat but Max quickly fought her on that one.

Billy played iron maiden in the car, watching El's eyes light up in wonder. Eddie would totally love this kid.

The drive to the Byers was relatively short. Billy still felt uneasy pulling up to the house, too many bad memories assaulting his head, punching Steve, getting drugged, smashing a plate over Steve's head, getting drugged.

Billy forced down the vomit that threatened to rise from his stomach, and got out, trying hide the fact he was shaking. He'd been in a weird mood all day. The little thing shaking him up.

Steve had a word for it. P-something.

PTSD. That was it. He was having a PTSD attack or episode, or whatever it was called.

The kids were non the wiser, running into the house, Max included.

Joyce noticed though. She noticed how drained Billy seemed, how he looked at the house with apprehension, how he trembled with every step.

"Everything okay honey? You're not looking too good, and last time you were here, you were quite upset." She said kindly, looking at Billy with a motherly gaze, one that made Billy squirm. He hadn't seen that look directed at him in a long time. It made his lungs burn.

"I'm alright..." Billy mumbled quietly. "Could we borrow your phone...Max needs to ask permission for the sleepover."

"Of course hun, it's right over there." Joyce said gently, pointing towards the mint green phone hung up.

"Max? C'mon, you need to call them? I'm not doing it for you." Billy said.

Max popped her head around the door, fiery hair a wild halo around her. "Fine.."

She punched into the number, fiddling with the cord as she waited for the line to connect. "Will they even be at home...?" She murmured.

"Should be back by now." Billy replied, trying to ignore the queasiness he felt at that statement.

After a minute the line connected. "Hello? Mum? Can I sleep over at my friends house?" Max asked. Adding on a quick "please."

"I'll have to ask Neil." Susan replied.

Max pouted. She hated that his opinion mattered. Why should it, he wasn't her father, he was just an abusive asshole.

Neil's voice was suddenly on the line, disrupting Max's mental rant about him.

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