Chapter 15

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Billy sighed as he took a long drag from his cigarette, he was sat on Steve's porch, one knee thrown over Eddie's lap.

Eddie had a blunt in between his lips, his eyes glassy and slightly bloodshot with the look of someone who was high. His hair was slightly frazzled.

He leaned over to shotgun Billy. Blowing the smoke into the other's mouth.

The blonde hummed in content, eyes fluttering.

The door to the porch slid open and Steve stepped out carrying a six pack of coke and box of pizza. "Dinner is served gentleman." He announced as he sat in the middle of the two.

Billy reached over and picked up a slice of Hawaiian pizza. The pizza was half Hawaiian and half meat feast, because Steve thought pineapple on pizza was sacrilegious. Billy thought the was ridiculous considering Steve was sat there with a jar of olives and was heaping them onto his slice of pizza.

"You're so weird Harrington." Billy huffed.

"I'm part Italian. It's in my blood to like olives."  Steve whined.

"It's still weird." Eddie chuckled, siding with Billy.

"Maybe you two are just uncultured." Steve said with a shake of his head.

Billy cracked open a can of coke and took a swig.  "I'd rather be uncultured than eat an olive."

"I can't believe some people name their kid after those things." Eddie sighed.

"It's better than William." Billy sighed.

"I thought your full name was Billiam?" Asked Eddie.

"No you idiot. You came up with that to annoy me." Billy huffed. "What about you? Is Eddie short for something?"

"Edward. My father's name, oh the joy." Eddie muttered taking another drag of his blunt.

"Grandfather, never even met the guy but if he raised my father then he obviously was a shitty asshole." Billy sighed. "What about you Stevie boy? Your full name Steven? Stephan?"

"Just Steve, my father calls me Steven-and I think he wanted to make that my full name but my mum overruled him. My birth certificate says Steve. So I guess I escaped the long boring name." Steve hummed.

"Lucky." Eddie pouted.

Billy finished his third slice of pizza. "Oi Munson, if you don't eat this pizza imma eat it all."

"No fair." Eddie huffed, snatching a slice of pizza from Billy's grasp. "Pizza thief."

Steve watched them with a fond gaze. They were just able to exist, the three of them, safe in their little bubble, Billy lost some of his hard edge when he was alone in the confines of Steve's house with just the two of them.

Steve just wished it was safe enough for Billy to be the way he was with them, all the time, instead of feeling the need to hide.

They spent the remainder of their date doing mindless activities together after going to see Eddie's band rehearse before coming back to Steve's and dogpiling on the sofa to watch a movie, some sort of slasher horror that Eddie suggested. Billy fell asleep halfway through it, which Steve found totally unfair that the blonde had mentally checked out leaving him to sit through the film so Eddie wouldn't take offence.

Billy conveniently woke back up again at the end of the movie. Traitor.

He stretched like a cat, blue eyes blinking slowly before glancing at the overly ornate grandfather clock slowly ticking away in the corner of the Harrington living room.

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