Chapter 14

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Billy sighed as he stared at the mirror on his dresser, playing with his blonde curls trying to get them to sit right on his face.

He was "hanging out" with Steve and Eddie, which was essentially a date. Or as close as they could get to a date in this hicktown without being chased down with pitchforks and torches.

He was wearing a Judas Priest shirt tucked into black jeans. A studded belt around his waist and his typical leather jacket.

He was really starting to dress more like Eddie, he noted as he twisted and turned in front of the mirror.

He eventually gave up with his hair, it didn't look terrible but it wasn't perfect, not to him, regardless of what his boyfriends thought.

He walked downstairs, the feeling of dread in the pit his stomach not leaving till he was out of the door-despite knowing Neil wasn't there right now.

He walked to the end of the street and lit a cigarette. Steve was picking he and Eddie up since they were the two most inclined to get drunk.

He put out the end of his cigarette once the burgundy bmw pulled up. He slid into the passenger seat-looks like Eddie would be demoted to the back again.

"Afternoon sunshine. You look good." Steve hummed, patting Billy's thigh.

"Don't lie Harrington. My hair is a mess. It won't do what I want it to do. S'fuckin annoyin." Billy muttered slumping in his seat. He didn't seem to be the type who'd be insecure but he was.

"Billy you look hot, shut up." Steve said rolling his eyes.

"Fucking make me." Billy grumbled.

Steve raised an eyebrow before looking around. The coast was clear. He leaned over and caught Billy by the lips. Kissing him hard.

Billy made a startled gasp and gripped the upholstery. "Steve!" He yelped when he broke free to breath.

"Shh there's no people, and you asked me to make you shut up-so I did." Steve laughed.

"You're a dick." Billy muttered. "You ruined my lipgloss."

"So that's what that was...I was wondering why you taste like strawberry. Since when do you wear lipgloss?" Steve asked curiously, no judgement in his voice.

"Since now. Susan bought max a bunch of them but Max hates girly things and decided the best solution was to secretly give them to her gay brother. Luckily their all clear ones...but it feels nice...kind of like a rebellion. I like wearing it, even if it's girly.

"It shouldn't be considered girly. I don't get why we even have these stupid rules on what's for girls and what's for guys. Does it really matter that much?"

"People can hardly even handle men in crop tops, imagine their faces if a guy wore a dress or make up-especially in this town?"

"Well those people are obviously blind. You'd look good in a dress."

"I'm not wearing a dress Steve. Don't even ask." Billy deadpanned.

"Awe c'mon, you'd look so good Billy." Steve whined.

"Not happening Stevie. Now hurry up and drive."

"Fine no dresses. But I'm not driving till you admit your pretty. You were never shy about your appearance before, and I don't like hearing you talk bad about yourself." Steve said firmly, brown eyes locked on Billy.

"I-fine. I'm pretty, happy now?" Billy groused, glaring at Steve.

"Yes sweetheart." Steve giggled. He wasn't completely satisfied but he'd take what he could get for now.

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