Chapter 9

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Billy groaned and stretched. A heavy blanket of warmth was pressed against his back. It was Steve. Billy instantly regretted drinking so much as the hangover from hell made it's presence painfully known. The blonde couldn't keep a whimper from escaping his lips as he squeezed his eyes shut against the onslaught of pain. The noise woke Steve who sat up rubbing his eyes.

"Bill's? You alright?" He asked.

He received the most deadpan stare in history.

"Dumb question huh? Hangover?"

Billy nodded, covering his eyes with his arm.

"I'll go get you some painkillers and a glass of water, and I'll fix us up some breakfast too." Steve said as he leaned down to place a light kiss to Billy's head, leaving the blonde blushing.

Billy put a hand over his rapidly thumping heart. He couldn't believe this was real. He and Steve were-well they weren't boyfriends yet-they were unofficially together. No label. Just them. Steve was his person. He had a person.

However Billy also felt a pang of sadness as he realised he realised he wouldn't be able to hook up with Eddie anymore. It was only supposed to be one night stand anyway, but it felt so good Billy had been hoping maybe the metal head would offer again.

Billy wasn't a cheater though, for all his pretence of douchebaggery, he'd never cross that line, he didn't want to ruin a good thing, I'd there was someone stupid enough on this planet to want him, he wouldn't want to give them another reason to leave.

Steve returned twenty minutes later armed with a tray. He'd made omelettes for them both, as well as bringing two glasses of water and some Tylenol for Billy.

The blonde swallowed down the pills with a swig of water before tucking into the bacon and cheese omelette Steve had made. It tasted good and he was able to eat a good three quarters of it before his stomach decided it was going to be an asshole. His father had been limiting his food intake, with the bullshit excuse that putting on too much weight would somehow make Billy less of a man. Billy knew he wasn't overweight, he took good care of his body, that didn't stop his father from trying to justify his desire to punish his son.

Even when Billy was allowed to eat, he was often in too much pain from a beating to force himself to swallow Susan's dry and bland food.

Not eating only added to the pain though. Billy lost count of the nights he'd spend curled up on his floor, or hiding under his blanket, a hollow pain clawing at his stomach, and an even more agonising pain racking his whole body from whatever punishment he'd managed to earn himself that day.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by a gentle hand cupping his cheek. "Billy? Everything okay?" Steve asked as he brushed his thumb lightly across the Californian's skin.

"Oh-yeah I'm fine just full." Billy muttered.

"Billy. There's clearly something upsetting you. I can see you shaking, please talk to me."

Billy sighed, looking away from Steve. "Just-thinking. My thoughts got a bit dark."

"Tell me about them, it might help." Steve said as he reached a hand up to run his fingers through Billy's hair, untangling any knots.

Billy hummed at the touch. "I...I struggle with eating dad takes food away as a punishment. Or sometimes I'm in too much pain to eat, and...sometimes I don't like my body...and don't want to eat."

Steve frowned as he pulled Billy close. "Oh, I'm so sorry baby. If your father isn't feeding you, then you can also come to mine and eat, I can't help with the pain thing, but you're beautiful Billy even if you don't see it, and I will always tell you how gorgeous you are."

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