41- Boo

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Brady's P.O.V.

Dropping Ellie off at the airport was just as hard as I thought it would be. For fuck sakes, it's not like I was never going to see her again. The problem was the one thousand six hundred miles separating us and not seeing or holding her for the next month and a half. Sure we promised to talk everyday but it wasn't the same, it was going to be horrible and that's why I knew she was crying as she kissed me one last time before turning away from me and walked to the private plane waiting for her.

I wiped the tears from my eyes as they closed the airplane door. A short time later the plane started to take off and my eyes never left the sky until I couldn't see her plane anymore.

I got in the truck, hitting the steering wheel over and over again, yelling a cluster of profanities in the process. If she would have asked me, I would have left everything here in a heartbeat just so I didn't have this ache in my chest right now. I loved that woman more than anything in this world and it was killing me being away from her already.

Breathing heavily, I sat back, laying my head on the headrest. Charlie licked my face, reminding me he was here with me. Sitting back up again, I brought my hand up and wiped my damp eyes and cheeks off with the back of my hand, before starting my truck up and headed home.

I wasn't even out of the small airport parking lot before I turned off the radio. I drove in silence, knowing I wouldn't be able to bear it if one of her songs came on.

Charlie sat up, whining as we got to the T in the road that connected our driveway to hers, making my heart ache again. "She's not home buddy."

Once I got back, I ignored everyone's stares as I headed into my room so I could be alone with my own thoughts.


I was almost five when I heard my phone ringing. Running out of the bathroom, I grabbed my phone seeing Ellie was calling me…


"Hi, Brady."

She sounded tired. "How was your flight? Are you home?"

"The flight was fine. Always nice flying privately. I just got home about twenty minutes ago."

I nodded as if she could see me. "I miss you." I said without really thinking. "This really fucking sucks."

She was silent for a moment. "I know and I miss you too."

We talked for over an hour before letting each other go, with the promise of talking again tomorrow.

Thankfully, Mom brought the supper she made and placed it down on my table while I was on the phone with Ellie because I was starving. Settling down in bed after dinner, I patted the empty space in front of me. "Come on up, Charlie."

The next morning, I got up and showered before making my way up to the house. Mom was making a big breakfast for Kassidy this morning because she was going back to college today.

"Good Morning." Mom greeted me.

"Morning, Mom."

She looked at me with a sad smile before turning towards the hot griddle again.

I was well aware I looked like shit. I didn't sleep very well last night and my face looked like it.

Dad, Greg and the boys settled down at the table with me while Jenna finished helping Mom when we heard Kassidy huffing under her breath as she made her way over towards us.

"What in the world is wrong with you?" Dad asked.

"Eleanor! I am so fuc-" She paused, not wanting to swear in front of our parents. "Freaking mad at that woman!"

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