5- Blowing off steam

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Nora's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning and started getting things lined up with Selena for when I was gone and then spent the rest of the day packing, making sure I didn't forget anything.

I handed Kyson my keyboard piano, my guitar and the bag with my music stuff in it so I could hopefully write when I was gone. He went down to the parking garage and put it in my Range Rover along with my other two bags that were filled with clothes. I had one more bag I was taking once my laundry was done in the morning. I wasn't sure how long I was staying so I wanted to be prepared.

Amanda talked me into letting them drive me to Wisconsin and to be honest, I didn't mind the company on the long drive home.

"I have something planned for just you and I tonight." Amanda said as we finished our supper.

I slumped my shoulders, "Manders, I really don't want to go out."

"Trust me, this will make you feel better. My friends took me to a place like this after Colin, and I felt a hundred times better after we left."

"What are we doing?"

"Secrets. Just trust me. Please?"

I shook my head. "I trust you."


I did trust Amanda, just as much as I did my parents. Amanda was one of my only true friends who really didn't care who I was or how much money I made... and she was the only one that wanted the best for me.

She told me the leggings and t-shirts I was wearing were perfect for whatever she had planned, I just needed to make sure I wore sneakers when we left. Selena sent over a driver and Amanda and I met him down in the parking garage so paparazzi wouldn't see me leaving.

After giving the driver the address, we sat back and talked until we reached wherever it was she was taking me.

We walked into what looked like a run down building and were guided to a room before they closed the door behind us. "Selena rented this end of the building out for a few hours. She got the owner to sign a confidentiality agreement and there's no cameras in the room. We have total privacy. You need to wear these though." She handed me safety glasses and a pair of gloves.

"Seriously, what is this place?" I asked, looking around as we put the stuff on. "I'm not going to lie, it's scary."

Amanda smiled. "It's called a wreck room or rage room. Pick your poison." She pointed to a hammer, golf club and a baseball bat.

I picked the hammer up and stared at it.

"I never thought smashing shit would be so thrilling." Amanda said, picking the golf club.

"I can't do this." I said, honestly.

She swung the golf club, sending the lamp crashing down to the ground. "Yes you can... see."

I started laughing. "I can't."

"Ellie, Ben did you wrong." She pointed at the computer, sitting on a rickety old desk. "This computer is his fucking face. Hit him."

After thinking about it for a few moments, I rolled my eyes and walked over to the desk. We were already here so I decided to give it a go. I brought my hammer back, picturing it to be Ben's handsome looking face and swung, making the computer screen shatter into a bunch of pieces. "Ohhhh that does feel good."


I hit the screen a few more times, but harder this time. "And that's for your wife and your son you fucking asshole."

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