13. Fury, Pain and Respect

Start from the beginning

Klaus turned on his heel and started to walk out of the room. They had wasted enough time already.

“She came to school to break up with me,” a voice said hoarsely behind him.

Klaus froze, still facing the door. “What?”

“Caroline didn’t want to get together with me again. She wanted to still be friends, but we broke it off,” Tyler explained as he slowly regained his old voice.

Turning around, Klaus saw the truth shining from his eyes. He felt a small tinge of guilt, but pushed it away roughly. He couldn’t however help starting to respect Tyler. Despite her having broken up with him the previous day, he was willing to defy anyone to save her. He also admitted that she wasn’t his anymore, being a man about it.

Reaching a decision, Klaus held out his hand. After a slight hesitation, Tyler grabbed it. Klaus helped pull him up to his feet again, before nodding. “Let’s go.”

As they got into the cars however, Klaus could feel another guilt creep up inside him. He remembered all the horrible things he had shouted at Caroline when he had thought that she was returning to Tyler. He hadn’t meant most of it of course, but at that moment he had just wanted her to hurt as much as he had been hurting.

However, she hadn’t gotten back together with Tyler, but broken up with him. Klaus wished that he could go back in time and take back all the things he had said, but knew that he couldn’t.

He would just have to apologize when he found her. He just hoped that he wasn’t too late.

If those were the last words he ever said to her, he would never forgive himself.

Caroline was crying in a corner of her dungeon, wishing that it was all over.

They had taken a break from torturing her, and gone upstairs. There weren’t only two werewolves here, she had realized. Many different ones had tried to pry some information of the whereabouts of the stake out of her. Andy had been around most of the time, enjoying her suffering.

She had kept her mouth shut. Well, not literally. She had been screaming most of the time, begging them to stop.

The truth was she didn’t even know where the white ash stake was. Damon had hidden it, and hadn’t told anyone where. It was safer that way.

She was now sitting on a chair. They had chained her up, but for the moment she was blissfully not in pain.

When Andy had been speaking on Caroline’s phone, she had managed to wrench her head to the side so much that the spiky rope had finally broken. She had lunged at him, and the woman had screamed in surprise. Her mobile had crashed into many pieces on the floor, and Caroline had actually managed to bite Andy before the rest of the werewolves came running down the stairs. They had quickly pulled her off him. The problem was that a vampire bite wasn’t fatal for a werewolf as a werewolf bite was for a vampire.

They had then put Caroline under another torture device, which had been if possible even worse. On the ceiling there was a water sprinkler meant to extinguish fires. Instead of normal water though, they had added vervain.

They had put her under it for two hours straight.

She sobbed, looking down at what was left of her red skin. She had stopped healing some time ago, and strongly craved human blood.

Weakness clouded her mind as her eyes closed. Couldn’t someone help her? Where were her friends? Where was Klaus?

That was her last thought, before she drifted away into the darkness.


Okay guys, so I have something important to announce! I'm currently writing a new book! Yaaay! No, it's not a fan-fiction, but I'm hoping that being the devoted readers that you are you will give it a try! *puppy-eyes. This is a short summary:

"What would you ask for if you could make a wish for the coming year?

It so happens to be that shy 17-year-old Zoe Delaney makes a New Year’s Wish: All guys will finally fall for her. Never having been kissed, or even had a boyfriend, she’s tired of being alone. But when a dashing Brit, hot police officer and a persistant musician start pursuing her, she wonders if she should have simply asked to pass History. Be careful what you wish for…"

Please check it out! If you do, and comment what you think, I might even add some EXTRA CHAPTERS! ;) 

And don't forget to vote/comment on this chapter! Don't be a silent reader!!!

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