CHAPTER 2 | Class |

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DAY 2 As new kid

" Where must it be..?" I mumbled to myself as I searched each book on each shelf. I was in the library trying to figure out where the 6th book of Wings of Fire was. 

" Ah! Dragon themed!" After a bit I checked my book out with the teacher in front and left. The last copy! I'm so excited!


Ah shoot. I quickly ran through the halls, doing my fastest to get to my class in time. I had three more corners to go until I had tripped very hard on the ground. 

" Ow.." I groaned, my knees scraped. I then heard snickering and laughing behind me. I twisted my head back to see five boys clearly laughing at my fall. 

" No running in the halls!" One of them shouted and they all burst in laughter once again. I blew out a small breath out of annoyance and got up, grabbed my book and went back to my pathway just with walking. 

" Woah there lil' lady! We aint done with you yet!" I felt a grip on my shoulder and got pulled back. I was faced with may an handsome boy but not the friendly type. 

" Hey, goin' so soon? The fun haven't even started-" 

" OI!" The guy was swift back and slammed to the lockers when someone pinned him. 

" Leave her alone." 

" And what are you going to do about that Qibli? Hit me!? You barely could take down a bag!" He mocked. 

" That might be true but I am the top player on nearly every sports team here and I could get you kicked out on every single team just by your so called, snitching." Gibli's predator face quickly turned into a smirk when the guy had frowned and pushed him away. 

" Fine... Smart guy." He and his friends left a second later. I blew out a breath of relief until I felt another touch on my shoulder. I nearly jumped in fright but it was just Qibli. 

" You alright?" I nodded. 

" Ye- yeah, it's not like it's my first time being bullied. Still, thanks though." I bowed slightly before leaving but was interrupted. 

" Hey, I was wondering if I could walk with you for a few weeks. Y'know, make sure those guys don't come back." He said with a kind smile. I knew it would lower my chances on getting bullied since almost every guy in school plays a sport. So, I said, 

" Sure!" He'd nodded in reply and we continued our walk.


" What's your favorite color? Blue, pink, red, yellow!?" She hopped up and down in excitement. 

" Green and black I guess." 

" Wow! That's a new color combination! I'll write that down on my notebook." It was the 6th period and history wasn't the most exciting. At Least for Kinkajou it was, for me, it was like an adventure. Listening and writing down facts about the Ancient times and so much more! Since I was 6 years old I've been so interested in learning. 

A little bit why I got teased in elementary school. I continued to listen to the teacher and Kink. Mainly the teacher though. I dont get why people don't like the teacher, Mr. Yun was pretty nice. 

" So you see the effect it had caused by just one small problem. Anyone know the name of this?" The teacher questioned, looking around for any hands up to only see one hand up. 

" Moon?" 

" The butterfly effect." 

" And can you explain that for us?" " The butterfly effect in economics refers to the compounding impact of small changes. As a consequence, it is nearly impossible to make accurate predictions for the future or to identify the precise cause of an inexplicable change. Long periods of stability are followed by sudden declines and vice versa." The teacher opened is jaw to say something but closed it and paused for a moment. He nodded to himself slightly and continued. 

" And that is correct!" He'd written about the same thing what I have explained. 

" Moon's explanation is exactly what it means. For a simple explanation for some of you guys is that-" Giggling sounds bursted loudly in the back of the classroom right then. A small group of 3 girls were giggling with each other loudly. 

" Girls, quiet down. It's class time." The girls nodded and went back to the teacher. 

" Alright, Moon's explanation was more of a complex one but it does give the correct way how scientists would say-" Once again, another but a louder burst of laughter from the same girls. 

" Girls, if you cannot quiet down I'm going to have to send you guys to the office." The teacher repeated again but with more strictness. 

" So- sorry! It- it's just that 'moon girl' is- is like a 개! Always listening and trying their best like a 'goody-two shoes'!" That's when more and more people started laughing and giggling at her jokes. Some people whispered to other people each second. Nearly every eye was staring at me. My heart started to race and bits of sweat dripped down. 

I scrunch my eyes closed and fingered with my hands. I couldn't stand dealing with this again. A loud slam then erupted in the classroom. 

" DAM-BI, JI-MIN, AND EUN-SOOK!! TO THE PRINCIPAL OFFICE NOW AND EXPLAIN WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!!" The teacher shouted so loud that it even frightened the girls. The ruler he had slammed had a big crack across it. The girls quickly went silent, bowed to the teacher and left the classroom. 

The teacher bends down on their desk and rubbed their temples. Everyone had quiet down to a deep whisper. I was still sordave having my panic attack though. That's until I felt a hand on my arm. 

" It's okay, I don't think you're a dog. They're just jealous because your smarter than them." Kinkajou said with reassurance and a smile. I stared at her for a few seconds than gave a weak smile. 

" Th- than- thanks." She then gave me a quick hug and went back listening to the teacher. She's probably right. She's right... 


" And Moon and Winter will be the last pair." Oh no... I glanced at Winter to see him glaring at the teacher and a clearly irritated look on him. 

" That's all for today! Head to your next class." The teacher announced everyone off but I stayed behind. 

" Um, Mr. Yun?" 

" Yes, Moon?" 

" Co- could I change partners?" I asked with a weak smile. He sighed and answered my question. 

" Look, Moon. I can get why you don't want to have him as your partner but he's failing this class and pretty much the rest. I want him to get better so pairing him with someone smart and mature, like you, he could get better. Or at least what I hope for." He'd explained.

All I did was nodded. I knew what he meant and I guess I'll try to help him with his request. 

As long as Winter doesn't try anything.

Moonbli VS Winterwatcher ( HUMAN AU ) - HighschoolDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora