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                                                                                     WINTER POV

8 years old

I sighed in boredom as I awaited for my turn. I had my knees up and my head buried to them. I could hear the children screaming, running around, and the bouncing balls. Everyone was playing kickball except me. 

They had told me there was too much people already and would pick me after the round. I mean, that's what they said after 7 rounds already. 

" Alright! That's game!" The leader shouted, everyone got in line to restart again. After each kid was picked I waited at the end of the line again in excitement. Maybe I'll be picked this time! 

" And~ that's all! Get ready!" I tilted my head in confusion and tapped on the kid's shoulder. 

" Can I get picked for this round? I've been waiting for a while." He rolled his eyes and pushed me hard enough for me to fall. 

" Why would we want to play with you? Nobody cares about you." 

" Bu- but-" 

" Just go home you piece of dirt!" I tried to say something but all that came out was tears rolling down my eyes. 

" Hey! He's crying! Crybaby, crybaby, crybaby!" Others started chanting the name as I sobbed. All the kids laughed and pointing at me. It felt like a dark blackness gulping me in. I quickly got up and ran away with tears still running down. 

I ran away from the playground and to the nearby forest. I sat myself down near a bush and continued to sob louder. 

" I- I just wa- wanted to-to play!" I sobbed out as I tried to wipe away my tears. 

I thought I would never have friends. 

That I would never be normal. 

That I would never find someone. 

And that I would never find good people. 

At Least what I thought.



" WE WON!! WE WON!!" 

" WE WON THE LOTTERY!?!? HOW MUCH!?!" My father took a quick breather and shouted again. 


" SQUEEEEE!!!!" My mother bounced up and down in excitement. My other siblings cheered with excitement as my parents. Maybe I'll make friends. Friends! I joined in their excitement. Not for their reasons that we'll get a mansion or even a private jet. 

My reason was with the many friends I could get. My parents had told me money can get you anything in life. 

And I was going to abuse that power with friends.


16 years old

Nowadays, even on the first day of school I get swarmed with people. Since that lottery win my family business has skyrocketed as with our popularity. My dad owns a business called Omozon while my mom owned a clothing business called Lara. 

My twin sister was going to inherit my mom's business later on. While my older brother had unfortunately passed away in an alleyway when he had gotten jumped by a gang group. Though I do miss him dearly and my parents might abuse me a little, my popularity has grown. 

That was the only thing that mattered to me. 

The only thing.

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