CHAPTER 1 | First Day |

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First Day of HighSchool | GRADE: 11 | LABEL: New Kid

" Bye honey, don't worry about me. I'll call you every weekend. Promise." My mother gave me a small goodbye kiss and drove away. I groaned knowing I wont be able to see her for over a month. I finally got the courage to leave the drop-off area and headed for the front doors of the school. 

I took a glance of the surroundings before I entered. I could see girls hugging and squeezing at each other and boys playing basketball. I knew I was an outsider. 

And probably forever.


I finally got to my homeroom classroom after getting ran over a billion times in the hallway. I stood right before the door. I didn't know why but I was so recklessly nervous. I could hear the sounds of the loud classroom before me. Just knock, it's that easy! I raised my fist to the door and knocked. I could hear footsteps heading for the door. I can do this, I can do this- 

" Oh! Aren't you the new student for our classroom?" 

" Ye- yes.." I answered with almost a whisper. The teacher was pretty tall I have to say, maybe 6 foot but he seemed very kind. 

" My name is Mr. Choi, come in." He pulled the door open and I walked in. My first look was chaotic teens. I already know I can't do this. I thought to myself as I went by the teacher's desk. The teacher came in and went in front of the classroom, making a purposely loud cough. 

Everyone obviously ignored him though. I saw no eyes staring or even glancing at me. Maybe this is good, no attention means no drama. Even if I don't get any friends- A loud slam sound abrupted near me which caused me to jump slightly. 

" QUIET!!" I realised the teacher had slam his wooden ruler onto his table. I noticed a small crack opun the ruler but he seemed to ignore it. 

" Thank you for quieting down. Today we have a new student. There name is Moonwatcher-" 

" I rather go by Moon." I corrected him. He nodded and continued. 

" And you will treat them how they want to be treated, and no name calling like 'new kid'. It makes most people feel like an outsider. Now, you may seat wherever you like." I looked up and glanced at every desk. Nearly all of them were taken and the ones that were empty had someones backpack on it, clearly not wanting me by them. 

I slowly walked through each isle of desks until I found one joyful girl waving me over. 

" Over here! You can sit next to me!" The girl nearly was bouncing up and down from her seat in excitement. I knew nobody else would let me sit next to them so I had no choice. 

" Hi! My name's Kinkajou or Kink! And I already know your name but I hope to become friends with you! I mean we are already friends but still!" She gave me a friendly smile and I returned with a small nod. I then heard a small cough from the teacher. I turned my attention to the teacher and listened. 

" I decided today that I will put about 5 students into each group. This is for socializing and for any group work we will have for the year. I will be calling names and the people I call the names will go into a group near the corner of the classroom. First group is Winter, Qibli, Kinkajou, Umber and Moonwat- Moon. Please get in your group and head for the upright corner of the classroom and introduce yourself. Now I will continue the names." I watch 3 other students get up and head for the corner. 

" Come on!" Kinkajou grabbed my wrist and directed me to the corner. There was a small rectangular table where 5 chairs stood. Oh gosh graces. Kinkajou or my new friend sat down by one of the chairs and patted a chair next to her, telling me to sit next to her. I sat by her as I noticed the other partners already there. 

After a minute everyone was at the table sitting in silence. I decided to do a quick eye search of them. I glanced at the boy with dark greenish hair with round glasses. He seemed to be nervous be seeing him a bit far from the others and keeping his eyes down to ignore eye contact. That's one similarity we got. 

I pulled my eyes to the boy sitting next to him. He seemed pretty short with brown fluffy hair. I noticed his eyes kept glancing at the boy with a bandage on his face and also brown hair. I noticed the boy he was clearly staring at glanced back and smiled. A small blush aroused him and he continued his unusual dazing. 

I decided to look at the guy he kept dazing at. He seemed decent I have to say. He was also trying to get the guy that sat near him attention. Maybe their friends? I glanced at the guy he kept trying to teaze. He seemed to be pretty unfriendly by how he was acting with him.

" Alright, you guys have to start talking are I'm going to have to force yall." The teacher noted and left to the other tables. 

" Yay! I'll be introducing myself first! My name is Kinkajou or what my friends call me Kink which you can all call me that since we're all already friends! Oh- oh and my favorite color is pink!" She smiled greatly at everyone, clapping her hands silently in excitement. 

" You seem like a very jolly one!" The guy with the bandage noted giving her a nice smile. 

" Of course I am! What about you?" 

" My name's Qibli and I'm the best sport person here if you couldn't tell." He'd joked with a smug face. 

" Yeah right." One of the guys mocked. 

" You're just jealous." Qibli stated, rolling his eyes. 

" Like I would be." 

" Than why don't you go next, hmm??" 

" Fine, my name's Winter and I recommend you to not mess with me. Now, you, quiet kid, you next." Winter pointed at the guy sitting next to Kink. 

" Oh, uh- um... I- I'm Turtle and I guess I like books.." He whispered almost the whole thing but most of everyone clearly just ignored it and went on to me. 

" Yo- you next." Everyone heads and eyes turned to me. With glares or excitement. Mainly just Kinkajou with excitement but a little with the Qibli person. I wonder what they're thinking about me right now...


This girl seems quiet as Turtle, she could be a literal clone of him if she was a boy and wasn't new. I'm keeping high suspicion. Just keep yourself intimidating and dont trust anyone. Like anyone here is my real friend, only doing it for my money...


She seems a bit shy, maybe I could try to get to know her and become friends. Great idea Qibli, dont get any enemies. Okay, don't get more enemies.

I thought for a second and introduced myself. 

" Um, I'm new here which you guys prob- probably know and my name is Moonwatcher but I'd rather be called by Moon." I hesitated for a moment. 

" And I like reading a lot."



" And yeah, that's it." I finished finally and kept my head down in nervousness. I could see that Qibli opened his jaw to say something until the bell rang. 

" Class is over! Head to your next lesson!" The teacher shouted as everyone tumbled out of the classroom. 

" Finally..." I heard from the white haired boy. Could atleast be a bit more nicer. I thought to myself as I left the classroom last. Just keep to yourself and nothing will happen. Nothing.

Moonbli VS Winterwatcher ( HUMAN AU ) - HighschoolWhere stories live. Discover now