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Jeonghan woke up feeling like he just got run over by a truck. His head was pounding and his vision was still blurry. He felt like he was trapped somewhere, his ankles and arms feeling restrained and tender as something rubbed against them. He couldn't breathe properly, as something seemed to be over his mouth, and he felt like there were people around him, the body heat of who knows how many other people surrounding him. But it wasn't warm. It was cold wherever he was, and Jeonghan knew he was in deep trouble.

Opening his eyes fully, he managed to make out where he was. It was a complete dark room, devoid of basically anything other than a small desk he could make out. He could tell he was tied with rope and zip ties to a metal chair, AKA one of the most uncomfortable pieces of furniture on the planet. As for the people he thought were here, he now confirmed it to be five other people, all his friends. They seemed to be in the same predicament as him. It looked like one of those kidnappings in movies, where all the victims were sitting in the chairs in a circle, almost like musical chairs.

Though this was definitely less than ideal, Jeonghan couldn't help but chuckle slightly at his comparison. But when he made a slight noise, apparently he had woken someone else up, as a groan could be heard to his left. He looked over and saw Mingyu lifting his head up, slightly panicking at what the hell was happening. Jeonghan could very much relate to the guy.

Soon, Mingyu was making a lot of noise, and Jeonghan thought this was when he needed to step in, just in case making noise was a bad idea and could literally get them killed. The good thing is that Mingyu didn't seem to notice him yet, so his presence should be able to calm the others down. Another good thing is Jeonghan couldn't hear anything coming from outside the room, so hopefully there were no guards or something coming to kill them.

He made a noise loud enough for Mingyu to hear, and the latter whipped his head in Jeonghan's direction, showing off his wide eyes and panicked expression, Jeonghan feeling pity for the way the other was probably going to have an anxiety attack and there was nothing he could do to help. He tried showing that everything was going to be okay, but he really wasn't sure himself. It wasn't everyday you and your friends get kidnapped by random people and get stuck in what seems to be a basement.

He honestly didn't know what he wanted to happen here. It was very possible these people were actually police officers who got word of their powers, and are keeping them here for transportation or something. There's a possibility that it's some kind of gang who sells people with powers to high ranking people to make their lives even easier than it already is with the abundance of money they already have. Or, it might not have anything to do with their powers, but just some kind of mafia people who have them as hostages for something much larger than anything Jeonghan knows about.

He was so caught up in his mild panicking, he didn't even notice when the others had woken up, Seungkwan managing to seem sassy even through the duct tape on his mouth, which was something to keep in mind for later when they wanted to forcefully shut the guy up. That is if there was a later. Chan and Seokmin seemed to be mildly crying, which was totally understandable, but what worried Jeonghan is that Jun had not woken up yet.

He and Jun were in the exact same place when they got knocked out, so either something happened when he was unconscious to Jun or he's dead. They all woke up at relatively the same time, so there really should be no reason he wasn't awake yet. Yes, he didn't have a degree in medicine, but Seokmin has been working his ass off to be a nurse, and the guy likes to ramble, so he knows a little about how to take care of people.

Then it hit him. Jun was the only one out of the six of them that had an ability mainly used for fighting and self defense. Jun had the ability to control shadows and make them do his bidding. He was able to travel through them within reason and he could manipulate them into physical beings. It was a very cool power, but also very dangerous to anyone who ever tried to fight against it.

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