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Jeonghan realized that he quite literally had no food in his house, so he had to go grocery shopping, something he hated doing. One of these days he swears he's going to force one of the others to do it. Groaning, the blond made his way out the door and got in the car, driving off to the grocery store. All in all, a very boring and ordinary day for him and his friends. Yeah, he loved them, but sometimes they really got on his nerves. They didn't even live with him for goodness sake!

So yeah, they ate all his food and he was now on his way to get more, which all five of them will probably eat once again. Or mostly Seokmin. Yeah it was usually him who had the biggest appetite. The guy can eat an entire baguette length sandwich in like two minutes. Trust him, it's been timed.

Jeonghan made it to the grocery store and started shopping, once again thinking of all the random shit his friends do on the daily. They're truly an interesting friend group, as they all met when they were pretty young. Jeonghan was the oldest while Chan was the youngest, and sometimes the age gap was a little difficult to work through, but all of them made it work somehow.

It's not like they were a pack, even if the blond may or may not have had thoughts about that once or twice, but they were just really good friends who just lived their lives the way they wanted, and he really couldn't have it any other way.

And here's a prime example of what not to do while pushing a cart full of groceries. Actions have consequences and unfortunately he was bumping into someone he didn't see in front of him. Good going Jeonghan, lets just hope this guy is nice and not one of those entitled assholes that make a big deal out of everything.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." He said, looking up from making sure nothing had fallen out of the cart. When he saw the guy in front of him, his breath almost got stolen from his lungs. Damn, the guy was pretty. He wasn't sure why he was frozen, he's been around attractive people all the time, what with literally working as a part-time model, but this complete stranger from the grocery store basically stole all working braincells he had.

"No no, that was my fault too. Sorry." The stranger said and smiled, once again basically paralysing Jeonghan. Jesus, he needed to get himself together just to talk to this guy. Not his fault he was literally breathtaking and Jeonghan was just thinking if he could maybe possibly become friends with the guy. Ok, snap out of it Jeonghan, he didn't even know what secondary gender he was or if he was even mated! He just had to collect himself and get groceries. Yes, that is what he came here for, not to ogle at a really pretty guy.

"Still, sorry. I'm Jeonghan by the way. Sorry for the inconvenience." And he was honestly proud of himself for keeping his voice straight and not stuttering like a twelve-year-old girl who was confessing to her crush. That's what his friends would call a win.

"Jisoo, but my friends call me Joshua." The stranger, now known as Joshua, offered his hand out, and Jeonghan could literally feel his heart skip a beat. He shook hands with the guy while thoughts were running through his head at the pace of a race car. He said what his friends call him, does that mean he already considered them friends? His name wasn't Korean, so he was a foreigner? So many questions and definitely not the right situation to ask them as he literally met the guy by crashing his shopping cart into him.

"I'll see you around?" Joshua asked, breaking Jeonghan from his spiralling thoughts. This was definitely confusing how he had never felt this way about anyone he had ever met, ignoring his friends, but he was totally freaking out. Just then, he realised once again that Joshua had asked him a question and he still had yet to answer. Wow, really doing great here Jeonghan.

"Oh, uh yeah, totally. See ya." he said, and to avoid even further embarrassment, he quickly walked away to the next aisle, not missing Joshua's small chuckle at his behaviour. When he was sure he was out of earshot, he put his face in his hands and groaned. God, out of all the times to have this happen to him, it needed to be in the middle of a freaking grocery store to a complete stranger!? The universe was really on his side today it would seem.

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