Chapter 4

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For the first time in too long, he felt relaxed and loved.

It was a dangerous game they were playing. They shouldn't have done this.
She's a criminal, and he's the sole vigilante of Gotham.
It's protector.

He shouldn't be fucking the criminals.
Yet, somehow she was different.
Selina wasn't only a criminal, he knew that much. She had a higher motive, an honourable one. A motive she kept close to her heart.
If only he knew, he could help her. End her life of crime.

He sighed and gently pushed her upright.
"Come on. Let's get cleaned up. We can't stay here."

He forced a wall between them. He couldn't let her get this close again.
This was a mistake.
One he wouldn't repeat so lightly.

She nodded and climbed off his lap. A flash of hurt crossed her face. Quickly concealed.

A pang of guilt filled him. It felt wrong but they couldn't be more than this.
Could they?

She pulled on her suit. Zipping away those beautiful breasts and pulling the mask back on.

Bruce did the same. Tugging on his gloves and mask. And gripping the steering wheel tight.

He put the car in reverse and drove out of the alley before gunning the engine. The batmobile roared down the road, heading towards Gotham's east end.

Selina sat up straight in the seat. Looking around, recognition lighting her face.

"Where are you taking me, Bruce?"

"Home" He murmured.

"You're not sending me to Blackgate?"

He met her gaze in the rear-view mirror.

She visibly relaxed with a sigh.
Her flirting had somehow worked. He'd saved her a whole lot of trouble.
Maybe she was right, maybe something had changed between them.

After a few minutes of silence, Bruce finally turned the car down her street. The engines rumble echoing down the street.
Thankfully it was the early hours of the morning, the street was abandoned save for a few stray cats picking through the trash.

Bruce got out of the car and opened her door.

Selina quickly grabbed her bag from the passenger seat. Swinging it over her shoulder.

He caught the movement and grabbed her arm before she could walk away.

"I can't let you take the diamond. Nomatter what you do or say to me"
"I'm sorry" he quickly added

She frowned, yanking her arm back. "But after all I've-"

"Selina. If money is the issue, if you need the money. I'll just give it to you. You know I can afford it."
He explained, looking her in the eyes.

Her gaze softened. "You can't give me enough"

"What do you need it for? You know it's easily within my means to set up a trust fund or a charity or-"

"You'd do that, for me?" She asked with wide eyes.

He nodded. "I know you do bad things for the greater good. I just wish you'd let me help you get out of this life of crime. There's always another way, Selina"

She smiled. "Thank you, Bruce"
She reached up and kissed him. Her lips brushing against his softly.

Maybe he was what she needed. Maybe she could open her heart for him, trust him.

He kissed her back before reaching for the bag, a small smile playing on his lips.

Maybe he needed her too. Maybe this could work out for the both of them, if only they try.


Thank you for reading 'The diamond thief'
My first attempt at any sort of fan-fic and one of a handful attempts at writing smut.

Any feedback is appreciated :)

(This story is also available on Ao3: )

Part two now available here:

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