Spending the Day in Bed: Comfortable?

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"Do you want to talk about it?" Looking at Gabby as she asked him whether she wants to talk about it, Matt took a breath before nodding. "I was literally just thinking about asking you that, because I want to check on you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case; after all, he's her husband and will always want to check on her. Because that's the type of husband that he is, he's the type of husband that always wants to make sure that his family is okay; even when he needs to also check on himself, which is something that Matt most definitely needs to do (which Gabby is going to make sure that he does while they're holding each other in bed). Because the last thing that she's going to let happen, is to let her husband only console her as she grieves; she wants to be here for him at the same time, since they're alone right now. They have a chance to be alone so that they can grieve, and Gabby doesn't want Matt to think that he can get away with not talking to her; because that's not going to happen. "And I want to check on you too, because you aren't getting out of not talking about this; not when I know that this is affecting you too baby." Matt agreed.

"I know, but I do promise that we're going to talk about this; but we're going to start with you, because you're the one that's really hurt the most. I mean..." Gabby took a breath as she heard Matt say that, well aware of just what he was referring to; he's referring to the fact that she's still carrying their child, even though he's no longer viable. "I know, because I'm still carrying the baby." Matt sighed as he said that, well aware that's the case; he then put his hand on her side and stroked it with his thumb, hoping that will calm her down enough so that she can open up to him. After all, that's what he wants her to do right now; he wants her to open up to him, and he wants her to just kiss him softly as they talk. "

Gabby, I'm not going anywhere right now; and I'm not going to give up on talking to you about this, because I want to talk about this at least once today

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Gabby, I'm not going anywhere right now; and I'm not going to give up on talking to you about this, because I want to talk about this at least once today." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case, which she showed him by putting her hand on her side and slipping close to him, after which she kissed him softly this morning. "I know baby, because we need to; I already know that's a fact, and I promise that we are going to talk about it. Because I want to."

Matt couldn't help but smile as he heard Gabby say that she wanted to talk to him about what they both know that they need to talk about, because that truly is progress; he knows that they've both been scared to talk about it since they got the news yesterday, but they also need to just take it easy. And that's something that he made sure to show Gabby, doing so by kissing her softly and just taking things nice and slow with her. And boy did Gabby love the feeling of his lips on hers, because that's something that she's always going to love; especially when he's kissing her because he wants to make her feel better, which most definitely is something that he's in the midst of doing right now. He's making her feel better, by showering her with the kisses that she wants him to give her; and she's just glad to be here in bed with her. The truth was, she wasn't sure whether he was really going to just want to lay down here all day. "You're sure that you're okay with us just staying in bed today right?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him whether he was really okay with them just staying in bed today, because he most certain was. It's exactly what they both need to do with each other today.

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