Chapter 6

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Meanwhile, in the fortress of Moronia...

Lindwurm treaded through the halls of the charred ruins of the once great castle of Moronia. He made his way towards the throne room at a brisk pace. He kept his hands folded behind his back, watching every guard he passed carefully as if he were inspecting them. As he approached the guards would quickly stiffen and come to attention in an attempt to impress one of their commanders, but Lindwurm was not an easy person to impress.

He slowed as he heard footsteps coming up behind him. He stopped and looked back to see Wyvern, or Gwendolyn as he knew her. She wore shiny armor made of steel and a black cape was draped over shoulders. Her curly platinum hair was chopped short. At first glance many would mistake her for a man. She was taller than most women and her shoulders were slightly broader than some. But to Lindwurm she was beautiful, of course he was the only one who got to see her softer side. When they were alone he got to see her with a clean face, without wearing armor. He got to see her smile.

Years ago she when she was a young girl she had disguised herself as a boy so that she could become a knight. Since her secret had been revealed years before, they had become lovers. They had not long ago been wed in secret, breaking Drake's rules against marriage.

"Greetings Hugh," she said, in a formal voice. But despite her formality she called him by his birth name rather than the dragon name he had been given.

"Did your mission go well?" he asked her, in a casual voice. They did a good job of acting professional when others were within earshot. Few could have guessed that they were husband and wife.

"Very well," she replied. "We have concurred the northern villages."

"Drake will be pleased." He offered her a smile, but it quickly faded. "At least the news of your victory will soften the blow of the bad news that I came to deliver."

"What bad news?" Gwendolyn asked, unable to hide her concern for her husband. Drake had never taken bad news well.

"Dragoth was captured by Anorian scouts," Hugh replied.

"That is terrible," Gwendolyn said. "He is our best warrior."

"That title belongs to you, my lady. You're better than him any day," Hugh replied. "Have you forgotten that you once beat him?"

"You and I both know that he let me win. Drake was going to kill me for disguising myself as a boy, Benjamin saved my life," Gwendolyn replied. Dragoth had told Drake that if she could beat his greatest warrior than she deserved a place among them. She knew that he had gone easy on her and allowed her to beat him to save her from death. "I owe him my life. He paid a high price so that I could live."

"Yes, I suppose I do owe him for saving the woman I love," he whispered. "But he is not loyal to our cause, he is the heir to the throne what does he have to gain in helping Drake take a throne that is his own birthright?"

"I suppose you are right. But he has always been loyal to Drake," Gwendolyn replied.

Hugh looked over at her. "Only because he has to be."

"Can you blame him?" she whispered.

Hugh was silent for a moment. "I still say he is a traitor."

"And what about us?" she asked in a soft voice.

"Drake has no heir, with any luck I can earn his favor and become his chosen successor," Hugh replied, he didn't like lying to his wife, but even Drake did not know his true lineage. "If I become king one day, I will need a queen. That hardly seems like treachery to me."

"Benjamin has kept our secret for years. He risked life and limb to give us just one moment to be alone together. How could you speak so ill of him? Why would you call him a traitor for being captured?" she asked.

"He turned himself in willingly to save one of his knights," Hugh replied.

"You and I would do the same for each other, and despite the way we treated him in the past you know that Benjamin would have done the same for you and I," she replied.

"He's weak, he lets his personal emotions get in the way of his mission. He may be a great warrior, but his heart is too big. He has too much compassion for others," Hugh said.

They reached the throne room doors and two guards pushed them open. Hugh and Gwendolyn entered the room to see Drake sitting on the throne.

Drake was in his late fifties, but looked more like a man in his early forties. He had a bald head and golden eyes, like the eyes of a dragon. He was strongly built and his face was marred with battle scars and terrible burns. Long ago a dragon had laid siege to the tavern where the leaders of the rebellion against Obsidian had met. He had saved Henry's life, pulling his unconscious form from the burning building. It was said that Drake was a good, kind man, but long ago something had happened that changed him. There were many legends, some said that he had replaced his heart with the heart of a dragon so that he would be stronger. Others claimed that he was under Obsidian's spell as King Armon had once been. Still others believed that he had gone mad from grief after his wife died. But the truth was veiled. Even Hugh did not know the truth despite his father's connection to Drake.

Hugh and Gwendolyn approached the throne, kneeling before him.

"I bring bad news, sire," Hugh said nervously.

Drake growled. "What is it?"

"Dragoth was taken prisoner during a skirmish with some Anorian scouts," Hugh's voice cracked with fear as he spoke.

Drake slammed his fist on the armrest of the throne. "Are you sure?"

Hugh nodded. "I ran into his knights in the Redwood. They told me what happened." He turned to one of the knights. "Bring him in."

Two of Drake's knights brought in a young boy, fourteen years of age. His dark hair was messy and his brown eyes focused on the stone floor.

"What happened?" Drake demanded. The boy was one of Dragoth's knights, Amphithere.

"The Anorian captain was about to kill me as an example. Benjamin turned himself in to save my life," the boy answered shamefully.

"It is just like Dragoth to make such a foolish sentimental decision. I lose my best warrior in exchange for one weak, useless boy. I never should have allowed Dragoth to train you. Dragoth may be strong, but his heart makes him weak." Drake turned to his knights. "Punish him, but make sure that you do not hurt him too badly. Do not leave any scars, if you do Dragoth will most likely kill you and me alike. He is very protective of this one."

Drake's knights drug the boy away.

Drake turned to Hugh and Gwendolyn. "We must organize a party to free him. Dragoth is crucial to my plans."

"Yes, master," Hugh replied.

"Send word to my spies in the castle," Drake ordered.

"Yes master," Hugh and Gwendolyn replied, then they turned to leave.

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