He got to the place, immediately noticing Joshua was already there. And like every single time he has met the other in person, his breath was stolen away by how beautiful he was. Joshua was dressed in black dress pants and a gray button up shirt. He had a watch and a small necklace hanging from his neck, and gold earring adorned his ears in many places. Jeonghan had never noticed how many piercings the guy had. His red hair was making everything look even more beautiful and Jeonghan was worried he was underdressed.

He stepped out of the car and Joshua had noticed him, waving at him to come over. "Hey, you look great." He said, making a small blush rise up on Jeonghan's face. He chuckled awkwardly, trying not to seem like a crazy person, and tried maintaining eye contact.

"So do you. Nice to see you again." God, this was really awkward. All he's hoping is that Joshua is feeling just as weird as he is right now, but the other seems as calm as possible as he stood there in all his pretty glory. Curse you Joshua, with your perfectness.

"Thank you. I already have a table waiting, let's go?" He asked, once again making Jeonghan fele the now familiar fast beating of his heart.

"Sure." Is literally all he said, cursing at himself for the absolute horrific way he maintained a conversation. Apparently, Joshua also noticed this and just chuckled at him, making Jeonghan want to crawl up into a small hole and die, never to see the light of day again. So he was being dramatic? Never hurt anyone.

They sat down and ordered water for the both of them, looking through the menus when Joshua started up a conversation. "So, what do you do for work?" He asked, looking at Jeonghan like he had all the time in the world to listen to the latter.

"Oh, I don't really have a full time job, but I do work as a model. Right now I'm still trying to get a degree in computer science with online school." he said, and he could see Joshua's eyes light up in admiration. Well that was a good thing, right?

"That's great. It certainly fits you. I'll have to look up some of your pictures at some point." He said, making Jeonghan blush once again, thinking that if this keeps up he's going to faint from all the blood rushing to his brain.

"What do you do, if you don't mind me asking?" He asked, and immediately noticed Joshua's smile deflate slightly before it was right back, almost as if it had never faltered. It was definitely something that confused Jeonghan, but if the other wouldn't tell him, he wasn't going to pry. It wasn't his place.

"Oh you know, just some jobs here and there. Nothing set in stone yet." He said, smiling right back on his face. Jeonghan was a little disappointed at the vague answer, but he could tell from the others' tone that that was all he was going to say on the matter.

"Alright, do you know what you're getting to eat?" He asked, trying to change the subject, looking back at the menu that seemed to have a variety of good options. Joshua hummed in thinking, looking over the options and tilting his head. He seemed to be in deep thought before he abruptly answered.

"I think I'm getting a sandwich. You?"

"Ramen. I forgot to eat breakfast so I'm starving." He laughed, remembering how he was so nervous about this to even eat this morning. Joshua didn't seem happy about his statement as he had a frown on his face and his eyebrows were furrowed.

"You should remember to eat, it's important." He said, shocking Jeonghan with how much the other seemed to worry about him. It was honestly heartwarming and made his stomach churn in a good way, as no one other than his close friends had ever really done anything like that for him. Even his parents were more hard on him and didn't entirely care. It felt nice to know that almost a complete stranger was this worried about his well being.

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