Twenty Six [The Twist]

Start from the beginning

The mansion is huge, and it's made with rocks from the outside it looks like the modern houses. There is a pool and cozy garden. The door is made up of wood.
I rush toward the main door of the mansion with plenty of suspense in my mind. I am scared yet intrigued. Anneliese opens the door, and we step inside.

"MOM. DAD." Anneliese shouts as we stood by the threshold. "Come on in." She says with a warm smile and gestures her hands. This is the first time Anneliese is talking nicely to me.

A man and lazy descend from the stairs they look like the royal family, but they are a mafia family. My heart picks a rate and eyes brim with tears, "Mom." The words escape from my mouth.

She gazes at me with a slight smile on her lips, and I just run to her and hug her without wandering anything. She is alive! How? She died. She was shot. The mafia killed her.

"Ella." She whispers as she hugs me tight.

"I've missed you."
"I don't understand anything. How are you still alive?"

"It's a long story." She adds.

"I have time."

She nods, and she takes me to the living room, and we sit face to face. A woman comes in with coffee and biscuits. My mother takes a sip from her coffee and glares at me.

"Will you say something?" I snap with cold voice. I am shocked...

"That day when the mobsters broke into our house and shot me was terrible, that day changed our lives completely." She gazes at me. "After they took me to the hospital I was still alive then someone took me away from all the chaos." She exchanges a glance with Anneliese' father. I look at the man who is proudly admiring my mother from afar. His gazes are intense toward her.

"His name is Denis Valkin." My mother sighs, "He was my first love then I had to marry your father." Her smile fades away. "I didn’t love your father. He was involved into gambling."

"I know." I add.

"I used to sneak out and meet Denis even when you were in the house. Even though we both had our families we couldn't stay apart. Because we truly loved each other." She explains and gazes at me. "That day the rivals came to attack me because they knew that I was Denis' weakness, and they wanted to ruin him by murdering me." She takes a breath, "I was in a critical condition and until I recovered, and we attempted to search for you, you were gone..." She motions her hand in the air, " is now that I have found you and I will do anything to keep you safe." She mutters.
I just look at her. "I am glad that you've found someone with true motifs." I exchange a glance with Denis. "He kept you safe for all these years."

"And now we will keep you safe." Denis adds and I half smile. "Where is Anneliese's mother?"

"She’s dead." Anneliese says. "She died in a car accident when I was ten years old since then my father looked after me and when I was eighteen years old. I got a mother." She smiles at my mom. "She took great care of me." Anneliese beams at me. "We are a happy family, and now we want you to be a part of this family." She tells me.

"I... I can't." I whisper

"It was Vincenzo who shot me that day." Mother says with rage and my heart almost skipped a beat. "He is a heartless person.

My jaw drops and I just stare at my mother. Vincenzo is lying to me.

"Open your eyes Ella, this guy is using you."
I nod as tears roll down my cheeks.

"It's okay, we will destroy his life."

Anneliese puts her hand on my shoulder as she sits next to me. "Just because we can destroy his life, my father forcefully dragged him in a marriage contract with me. But now Vincenzo kinds of like you, and he always hated me, so it will be easier to ruin him."

"But he purchased me! I can't do anything until I don't repay him that amount."

"We'll pay that sum of money too." Denis adds. "So that Vincenzo wouldn't have any rights on you."

"Are you sure?" I look at Denis.

"Yes." He gives me a reassuring smile, "Let's end this chaos."

"You will have to hide this truth from Vincenzo."

Mother adds. "This secret shouldn't exit this house."

"I promise." I tell my mother, "I will do anything to destroy Vincenzo Romano." My voice shudders as I speak.

"Erase him from this world." Denis says.

"You should emotionally break him, Ella." Anneliese adds, "so that he'll remember what it is like to shatter others' peace."

I nod.

"Will you marry him?" My mother asks.

"Yes I will."

How was this chapter? Was it good? How's the big twist?

Thanks for reading and I love you all ♡
Stay safe ♡

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