chapter 8

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Liams pov

When we get home i see a man and a woman cooking. "How are they?" I ask. "These are my parents. Well they adopted me but now they're my parents" Niall says.

"What you making?" Harry asks the woman. "Spaghetti. I am maura and that weird funny looking man is bobby!" She says.

We giggle and harry starts drawing. "Who is in for soccer?" Zayn asks and louis and i nod. We go outside and play some games. "Why are they here suddenly?" Louis asks. "Cus they live i Ireland and they wanna spent time with us" zayn says. I can tell he is lying.

"What is the real reason?" I ask. "Bobby is sick and we wanna spent some time with them" zayn answers honestly. "Is he dieing?" I ask. Zayn ignores the question and we continue playing. "Niall needs you to be nice okay?" Zayn asks ans we nod.

Zayns pov

They keep asking questions and it is kinda nice but well they might understand or might not. "We lost our dad 2 years ago" liam says. "I am sorry to hear that. What happened?" I ask. "Mom poisoned him. We went to the orphanage when soon as the police found out" louis says. Thats unbelievable!

"How was your dad like?" I ask. We stop playing and sit down. "He was the best! He always sang us before we went to bed like you do! He helped harry when he was scared and took all the hits for us" liam tells me. "Our neighbors knew everything so soon as dad died they called the cops. Mom was just using him for money"

Bobby comes to us. "I thought we were playing soccer!" He says. "You wanna play too?" Liam asks surprised. He nods and we play.

Nialls pov

"Can the 2 of stay here for a while? I wanna be with you" i ask. "Yeah sure! Take zayn on a date soon! We can take care of the kids" she says and i nod. "Mom do you think Zayn deserves better?" I feel a spoon on my lap and i laugh a little. "No! You deserve each other! He needs you and you need him" she says.

"Thanks mom i really needed that" i say with a smile. "I know. That is why i am your mom!" She says with a grin on her face. "I made this!" Harry says showing a drawing. "Awh for who is it?" Mom asks. "For you! You are nice to my new parents!" He says and that melts my heart. "Thank you love! And go get your brothers! We are gonna have dinner!" Harry runs outside and almost trips.

"He called me his new parent" i say and i just can't stop smiling by that thought. "I know. Go get the table ready" she says and i make the table ready. We all sit down and just start to eat.

"Your dad is very good in soccer!" Louis tells me. "I know he is too good so i don't play. I don't like it to loose!" I say and dad laughs. They tell stories about me and zayn. I look over at zayn and he struggles a lot. "Love you don't have to" i say as soft as i can so only he can hear it. It got moms attention and she looks over too. She knows about his problems. "It doesn't have to much calories i counted them for you" she says with a smile. Zayn nods and begins to eat.

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