𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒊𝒗𝒆

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As expected, the next day Xiao Zhan was seriously ill. He had caught cold and was having a high fever. But he was more than glad that his little baby was perfectly alright.

"How could you walk back home in that heavy storm? Were you out of your mind?" Wen Qing, his neighbour, his doctor and most importantly, his sister was yell at him.

"Qing Jie, could you please be kind to your patient? " Xiao Zhan pouted.

Looking at his feverish face, Wen Qing sighed.

"I have to go right now. The Second Master of Wang is not well. I have to attend him. I will leave A-yaun with grandma so you can rest well. Wen Ning has gone out and not picking up my call, once he answers, I will tell him to come and stay with you. Alright?"

Wen Qing had said such long sentences but all that Xiao Zhan heard was,

"Second Master Wang is not well?" he asked.

Wen Qing looked up towards him from her medical kit, confusedly, "Do you know him?"

Xiao Zhan tried to hold back the surging pain in his heart upon hearing Yibo was not well and said with a smile that did not reach his face,

"Who doesn't know Second Master Wang? Huh...?" He tried to keep it cool but Wen Qing was hard to be deceived so she gave him a pointed look.

Xiao Zhan, understanding that Wen Qing had caught him lying so said with another fame smile,

"Aiyaa... We had been classmates during college."

Wen Qing believed it and Xiao Zhan sighed in relief.

"Oh.. I see..."


"Anyways, take care of yourself. I will ring you once I am done with my work at the Wang's."

"Don't worry about me. I will be fine." Xiao Zhan replied. But Wen Qing knew well about Zhan so she did not believe whatever he said.

She just rolled her eyes and left leaving Xiao Zhan in his room. Seeing the back of the retreating figure, Xiao Zhan prayed to god that Wang Yibo would be fine.

Xiao Zhan had never spoken a word about jus past to the Wen's. He did not want anyone to know that he was the adopted son of the Jiang's and the divorced omega of the Second Master Wang. It was not that he did not believe Wen's with his part but it was just because he did not wanted to be reminded of the past.

Xiao Zhan sighed. His past was no more important Past is past after all. There was no use in talking about it to anyone. And he would not waste his time on lingering in it either. He had a baby to take care of and that was all now mattered to him. Nothing else mattered to him any more. Neither his past nor Yibo who had left him alone when he needed him the most.


Wen Qing had been serving the Wang's fir almost two years now and this was the first time she was going to see him in person for he had been abroad all these years.

Wen Qing was now standing in front of the Wng mansion waiting for the servers to receive her and as expected, a serve t came running and urged her towards the room where Second Master Wang was resting.

Upon entering the room, she could hear Wang Qiren talking to his nephew and she caughed making them note her presence.

"Come in please." Qiren said.

And then without any delay, Wen Qing began her work and made sure that Wang Yibo was alright. She then turned towards Qiren and said,

"Mr. Wang, Second Master Wang is alright. He i is alright and there is nothing to worry. He have caught cold due to the weather so please make sure that he doesn't wander outside. His body needs rest."

"Mn. I will make sure of it. Now I have an urgent meeting to attend so I will take my leave. Please make sure to give him his medicines and you may leave once you are done."


Wang Qiren left the room advising Yibo to take if care of himself until he returned and not to wander around.

Once Wang Qiren left, Wen Qing advise what he has to do, and shouldn't do and in the middle of their conversation, Wen Ning rang Wen Qing,

"Excuse me," she said Wang Yibo and answered the call.

"Hello, Wen Ning, where are you? I have been ringing you for a very long time."

Wang Yibo did not pay attention to their conversation and instead took out his phone and was scrolling through it when suddenly he heard Wen Qing mention someone named Zhan.

"Zhan is alone at home and he is not feeling well. I have come out so there is no one he can seek if he needs something. Can you go and stay with him until I return?"

"Alright then, ring me if there is any issue."

Wen Qing disconnected the call and began continuing her work when Yibo asked,

"Did you mention someone named Zhan just now?"

"Eh.... Yeah..." Wen Qing replied confusedly.

"Is it him?" Wang Yibo asked hurriedly showing a picture of Xiao Zhan through his phone.

"Yes..." Wen Qing hesitated.

"What's wrong with Zhan ge?" Wang Yibo asked panicking.

"Zhan ge....? You two are that close? Zhan told me that you two were just classmates." Wen Qing questioned.

"Eh...." Wang Yibo did not know how he should reply for that. 'Classmates...?' Wang Yibo questioned himself. And then realising Wen Qing was still waiting for an answer, he said, "Yeah... We were classmates. But... Could you please tell me what happened to Zhan ge?"

"He's caught a severe cold and is having a high fever. He's so stupid that he had walked back home in that heavy storm last night. By the way, is it a coincidence or something that you two get severe cold at the same time? Huh?"

Wen Qing asked laughing failing to notice the facial expression of Yibo.

"Anyways, these are your medicine and don't forget to take them as prescribed. You should be feeling better by...."

"How do you know Zhan ge?" Wang Yibo questioned not paying attention to what Wen Qing said.

Wen Qing stopped her speech at once and looked at Yibo sharply.

Wang Yibo tried to hide his emotions and repeated the question once again.

"He is my neighbour." Wen Qing replied after a while.

"Neighbour...?" Wang Yibo questioned back.

"Mn. And if you are done asking for information about Xiao Zhan, I will get going."

Wang Yibo had a lot more to investigate about his Zhan Ge but for now he let it go. At least, after almost three years, he had finally been able to get Xiao Zhan's location.

"Mn." Wang Yibo nodded indicating that he was over.

"Take your medicines on time and have some good rest. If anything, don't forget to call me." She said handing over the prescribed medicine to Yibo.

"OK. Thank you."

"My pleasure." Wen Qing replied and soon she was out of sight.

Left alone in the empty room, Wang Yibo muttered to himself,

"Zhan ge, you had been running away from me and I could not get a hold of you. But now, I will not let you run away from me again. This time I will make sure that I get you back and we will live our dream life together and this time it will be forever."

Wang Yibo scrolled for a pic of Xiao Zhan and kissed him through the screen, feeling light hearted and happy after a very long time.

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