The Whole Truth...

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"Ok, ok," I started."To be fair, I only remembered this as of this morning so it hasn't been long," I carried on, stalling. "Ok...? And?" He asked. "Ok, so first the number on my wrist was my name." I showed him my left forearm. "Like Eleven?" He questioned. "Yeah, you really remembered that?" I asked. 

"Yes, I did! Come on tell me everything, I am so confused." I sat down on the bed next to him. Alright, I can do this, I tell myself. "So you remember where we left off? Me freaking out about Will n' Shit?" I asked. "Mhm," He hummed impatiently. 

"Anyway, years, and I mean years before that, like around 12 years. I was 2 and I was one of the smartest 2-year-olds you ever met, I knew how to draw and I kinda knew how to write, but that isn't where I am getting to.

"I am getting to the point that I was in the same lab as 11 was. I knew how to throw things with my mind and how to suffocate someone by squeezing their lungs with my brain. I was one of  Papa's most talented kids. He trained us to be like this, however, that hippie shit works. I never met my biological parents, I didn't know, or, remember that until now," I stopped... It was a little overwhelming, knowing I wasn't actually a Harrington...

"Anyway, He was training me every day, when I turned two I started spending days with my, now, Mother, Father, and Brother. After around 17 months, I started to spend the weekends there, I didn't know they would be my new home, Papa just wanted me to be gone, or he wanted to be able to give me away so he had more room for more kids," I finished. 

"That is fucked," Eddie said. "Yeah, I would know." I nervously laughed. "But I soon was 7 and had the IQ of a 6-month-old child, so my mother put me in school as a kindergartener, of course, I was told I was 5 and that was what I told others. There I met my people, Lucas and Mike. I ended up going up 3 grades and just told people my real age, Only Mike knows though, Dustin and Lucas just think I was hella smart. Anyway, we soon came to high school and now I remember all the shit that happened in my life." I just looked straight forward and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Ok, That was a lot, but can you tell me the rest about Will and how that played out?" He asked. "Yeah... Yeah sure. Alright so there were now search parties all the time and we also had eleven which I thought I knew, but just didn't fully understand. We all were freaked out and still continued to attempt to find Will. Then Nancy's best friend went missing and barely anyone noticed, later Eleven found her dead in the upside down, Oh yeah the Upside down is another dimension Eleven opened up and that's why people went missing because a monster we call the Demogorgon was taking people." I looked up at him to see if he was following along ok.

"Ok, I think I get it," He said looking down at me. "Eleven banished the Demogorgon to the Upside Down and closed the portal so we are all safe, but the way I just 'remembered' all that shit is giving me a feeling we are gonna have a few problems again," I finished. "Oh yeah, 001 is definitely trying to kill people, I bet you Chrissy is dead right now somewhere, We saved her once but I know that wasn't it. 

"001?" Eddie asked. "Yeah, We called him Vecna, from DnD, but his name is Henry, 001, or Vecna," I said. "How do you keep one man with three names?" He asked himself. "Well that's about it and I am feeling a little tired so I am gonna take a nap, you do what you want but I am over here with my arms open if you wanna join me?" I say and ask. I turned and crawled my way to my side, which was against the wall. I turned a little more to look at a half smiling Eddie.

I held my arms out, "Coming?" I asked. He crawled over too and pulled himself up, he pulled me into him and it felt so good, I didn't know I could get this close to someone in this little amount of time, but we went for it and it worked out too. It was around 5 pm. Not the most ideal time to sleep, but an ok time.

I just cuddled up into my boyfriends, very safe, arms. 

Eddie Munson X Yn HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now