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     "Ok, there is one more thing I'm gonna ask you for," I say, pulling away from the hug to look at him.

           "And what would that be?" Steve asked. "For you to give me some room, now that is basically what you have done by letting me talk to people. I think you should put yourself out there more too, and who knows maybe I could find you a date?" I say. 

          "What I mean is that you shouldn't have to be a mom, you should be hanging out with people. I don't care if it's with Dustin, Mike, Eddie, or Max. Just hang out with someone other than Robin, yourself, or me, please?" I add.

    "Ok, Well then does that mean I can hang out with you and Eddie when you guys hang out, sometimes... only sometimes because, you might wanna be alone." He said, then he nudged me at the last part.

           "Don't tease me, I never did that to you- Ok maybe I did, like twice though, so you can do it one more time, then leave me alone," I say.

    "Yea huh, you did tease me more than two times, like five, so I should get to tease you more." He says, I start to go up the stairs. "Ok, whatever, see you in a little. I say, getting up the stairs and running to my room.

     I walked in on Eddie looking at my pictures with Steve, and the group photos with Dustin, Will, El, Mike, Max, Lucas, and me. "Hey, you like those," I say. "Who Is this?" He says pointing at El and Will. "The girl is Eleven, and The boy Is Will Beyers, You should recognize him from the news a while back, or zombie boy. I say.

     "Eleven, as in the number?" He asks. "Yes, why is the first thing that comes to people's minds?" 

    "Maybe, Because it's very strange to hear a girl with a name that sounds like a number." He says. "True that. We call her Jane now, so she won't be tracked down and hunted anymore." I say.

     "Why would that happen anyway?" He asks. I shift to my bed and wave him over, he sits on the floor next to me. "Ok, you most likely won't believe me, but, that's ok because it makes up a crazy story, something you would expect from your grandparents," I say looking for permission in his eyes.

    "Ok, tell me then." He says. "K." I go over to grab the picture of Will and came to sit next to him on the floor.

     "Alright, so this is what Will looked like then. He is adorable, anyway, one night we were all in Mike's basement playing D&D, we were just wrapping it up when Mike's mom told us it was time to go home."

      "I hate when that happens," Eddie says looking at me. "Yea, anyway, We were looking for a dice because Will had rolled and it rolled off the table. Mike went upstairs to try to get us a few more minutes. It didn't work so, I went, said bye to his mom and hugged her. Then we were about to go home. I waited for Will while he told Mike he rolled a seven, and that the Demogorgon got him. I waited because I was gonna go with Will, I needed to get something from his mom, I had left a shirt over there from staying the night. We were almost there when a weird human-type thing was in the middle of the road, it was really tall and it had a long left hand," I say, I was more explaining it than making it sound like a story. 

      "That's weird. You're telling me this actually happened?" Eddie asked. "Yea, it did. So Will veered off the road into the woods, I followed, he had fallen off his bike.  After I had helped him up, we took a shortcut through the woods to Will's house. We ran inside calling for Jonathan or his mom, but they weren't there. Will looked out the window and that thing was on the front lawn. We watched the deadbolt on the door slide out of place and the door started to open. We ran outside and into the shed, Will tried to use the gun that was in there, I was telling him no, but he did it anyway and started to put bullets in. The light in the shed started to go from dim to really bright, and then Will just disappeared," I said, I started to remember and one measly tear fell from my eye... I was so scared. 

Eddie Munson X Yn HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now