Well besides whatever the hell that was, he managed to get himself together and pay for all the food and alcohol he had collected and set off back home, where his crazy friends were probably waiting for him, judging by the abundance of notifications he can feel coming from the buzzing in his pocket.

True enough, when he pulled up to the driveway, he spotted two cars already there, immediately identifying them as Mingyu and Seungkwan's cars. He sighed. Mentally preparing himself for the bombardment of noise from his house, as he knew he had a karaoke machine and that Seungkwan and Seokmin were bound to be blasting it and singing as loud as humanly possible, which for them, was as loud as a foghorn.

Once again, Jeonghan managed to tell the future, as the second he opened the door his eardrums were bombarded by a very loud rendition of 'Like OOH-AHH' by Twice. And a small drum. It's always that godforsaken drum.

He made his way over to the kitchen and found Jun sitting there on his phone. He sighed in relief, happy to have someone else who knows what his suffering is like. Jun just looked up and smiled, offering his pity to Jeonghan, who constantly wondered why he ever gave any of them a key to his house.

"Need some help with that pile you got?" Jun asked him, gesturing to the amount of shopping bags he had on the counter. Jeonghan almost couldn't see over it as there was so much.

"That would be amazing. Get over here." He said, and Jun stood up and began unpacking all the groceries that would probably last at most a week.

"So... anything happen at the store? You're weirdly quiet and I need something to distract me from the pterodactyl screeching." Jun said, putting two boxes of cereal in the pantry. Jeonghan laughed at the other, knowing all too well how he was feeling.

"Yeah actually. I bumped into this guy and luckily it wasn't one of those Karens. He was really nice actually. His name is Joshua and he's pretty and all. I didn't really get to know him that much since I literally crashed into him with my shopping cart but I think he lives around here, as he said he'll see me around and... I'm rambling aren't I?" He said, turning back to Jun.

The guy had the biggest fucking smirk on his face that he just wanted to wipe right off. "No, not at all. I totally didn't hear you say he was pretty or anything." He said, turning his back to Jeonghan, and the latter could literally see his back moving from Jun trying to hold back his laughter. So, he threw a squash at him.

"Hey, what was that for!?" Jun said, earning a very harsh glare from Jeonghan, who instead of actually responding verbally, just continued putting the abundance of groceries away. It was already four in the afternoon and they had to get this done if they wanted to be able to feed all the children currently residing in his house.

Speaking of children, Seungkwan came into the kitchen, still holding the microphone from karaoke and looking out of breath from what Joenghan had to guess his latest rendition of 'Alcohol Free'. Seriously, what is up with him and Twice? Seungkwan had a big grin on his face as he saw all the food and immediately bolted for the cookies like some five-year-old.

"What's f'r dinn'r?" He asked, food still in his mouth. Jeez, Jeonghan really felt like a single parent with the occasional help of Jun. He just looked at Seungkwan as the latter stuffed yet another cookie in his mouth. After the fifth treat he snatched the box from him and shoved it in the pantry, earring a betrayed look from the other. Meanwhile, Jun was just minding his own business, snickering at the two.

"Nothing if you don't stop eating whatever you can get your hands on." He said, making Seungkwan's expression even more betrayed, if that was even possible.

"Hannie met someone~!" Jun piped up from his silent observation, making Jeonghin whip his head as fast as possible around to glare at the younger, making him cower slightly but Jun was holding his ground against the blond.

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