Chapter 8: Sir Leo DeVoune

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He was really excited. Today was one of, if not his favorite holiday in the whole country. To celebrate the foundation of, in his mind, the best country ever (sure it had some flaws, but what country didn't), on every May 30th, everyone regardless of their ranking, would dress up in orange (usually a color reserved for toddlers who hadn't yet received their abilities) and could freely interact with whoever they wished without getting in trouble.

It was also a day where everyone got a day off from work and school. Now Leo didn't have to go to school per se, at least, not for another year, but every noble and royal from the ages of 8-10 had private tutoring lessons that taught them the basics like how to write and read as well as math which helped them get ahead of the lower Ranks who spent most of their first years on those subjects. And Leo was taught by his Nanny.

And Leo's Nanny wasn't bad by any means, in fact he thought of her as a second mother, but Evelyn was very strict. She was very hard on him and didn't let him have any breaks or fun and that just wasn't very appealing for a 10 year old despite the fact that he knew that she just wanted the best for him.

His whole family was going out which was a rare sight indeed. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Amber reach for their younger sister Emilee. The toddler was very energetic, something that had only increased 2 weeks ago when she turned 4 and got her ability and Rank as a 4.

"Let's Goooooo, Let's Goooooooooo!!!" Emilee whined tugging on the arm Amber currently had in her hand in a futile attempt at making Amber, and in turn the rest of the family, hurry up.

They got to the park where the event was being held. There in the center was two beautiful crystal clear diamond statues of the founder Salina Sondez and her husband Samuel Sondez.

It had everything down to the miniscule detail he was told; including all the jewelry and even some scars they had. Not many people got to meet the two in person anymore. But that was expected of the Ancient Ones.

It made sense that both the celebration and statues were as extravagant and in the location that they were in, after all Leo lived in both the the capital city and district of the country.

Leo stood amazed at all the festivities going on around him. "Hey Emilee, did you know that we may have the chance to meet the Royal family?" He said in an effort to get her to pay attention and not run off.


Amber caught on quickly, "Leo's right. And it would be a great chance for us to practice our skills with handling royalty once we get older, and not just our own royalty, but other countries' as well."

"Wow" Emilee said in awe, her eyes twinkling in such a way only a small child's could.

"Amber has a point, so you should be extra good today so we can impress them."

Emilee had a determined look on her face as she shook her head in agreement. Leo heard his mother scold him and he felt his spirits sink.

"Leo, you know that your supposed to address your sisters with their respective titles; especially Lady Amber."

"Yes Mother, I'm deeply sorry, and you too Lady Amber." He said nodding his head in apology.

"C'mon dear, it's Founding Day, he should at least have this day off from such routines." His father Sir Connor said defending Leo in a rare moment seeing as usually as strict, if not moreso than his mother when it came to following the rules and educate of the Ranking system.

"I suppose you're right, but you better not slack off tomorrow, am I to be understood Leo, Emilee?" She sighed before hooking an arm in her husband's and patting each of the mentioned on the head once.

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