Chapter 4

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Ekrali's gaze settled upon Neteyam with an intensity that seemed to pierce through the very fabric of his being, as if attempting to unlock the secrets hidden within. His stern scrutiny bore the weight of both responsibility and skepticism, as he sought to reconcile with what Kielwì told him.

"This goes against everything we thought we knew. Everything. The clan...Pita—" He finally said.

Jake, ever the pragmatic outsider, couldn't help but interject. "Pita? You think your daughter is connected to this?"

A subtle exchange of glances passed between Kielwì and Ekrali, their unspoken communication conveying a deeper understanding. With a resigned exhale, Ekrali conceded.

"I cannot believe I am telling outsiders this before my own clan...." Ekrali muttered, frustrated.

"Though it's not...entirely sure—" Kielwì started, "We suspect that the Leviathans started to disappear just after Pita was born. We did not tell anyone, not even Pita. We wanted answer from Eywa first...but it never came."

The Sully family absorbed this revelation, their minds grappling with the enigma that unfolded before them. As the weight of the truth settled upon their shoulders, Ekrali's gaze softened, understanding the enormity of what he had shared.

"This is quite foreign to me, to the entire clan, but I offer you shelter here. This mystery is far form over and it looks like we must unravel it together," Ekrali proposed.

Jake exchanged a glance with Neytiri, their unspoken agreement cementing their decision.

"We'll stay. We want to figure this out as much as you do," Jake stated, his resolve mirrored in Neytiri's steady nod.

A soft smile graced Ekrali's features, a flicker of gratitude and relief in his eyes.

"Very well. We will prepare you a feyra. Some clan members, especially my brother, Rayon. He won't like it."

"He" Lo'ak stated sarcastically, earning a swift scolding from Neytiri.

"No offense," Lo'ak added, somewhat sheepishly.

"None taken," Ekrali replied with an amused glint in his eyes. "Rayon is our Layontan, commander of our clan. He works closely with Kielwì and me while training young members for their Iknimaya. They undergo five trials to determine their rank. While the greatest warriors contribute to our army, the one who proves themselves to be the best warrior takes the role of Layontan. My brother may appear harsh, but, only because he's very protective of our clan. Do not worry though. I am Olo'eyktan. If I say you will be safe, you will be safe."

With the assurance of their well-being established, Ekrali shifted the focus of the conversation.

"Now, you arrived during a very special occasion. I have my daughter's Iknimaya to attend. Care to join?" Ekrali announced, his voice carrying a note of anticipation.

Inviting the Sully family to follow, Ekrali guided them into the vibrant heart of the Vyrazan village.


The Sully family followed Ekrali and Kielwì through the village. The rhythmic beat of distant drums resonated through the surroundings, growing stronger with each step they took. 

The path widened, and the Sullys found themselves stepping into a grand open space—a sprawling arena encircled by a multitude of Na'vi, their expectant gazes fixed upon Pita, who was practicing with her sword in the center. 

The arena itself was made of natural architecture. Intricately woven vines formed sturdy barriers, while elevated platforms and seating areas allowed the clan members to observe the proceedings from various vantage points. The arena floor was a canvas of compacted earth, with meticulously maintained markings etched into its surface. 

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