Chapter 7

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As the sun cast its warm glow over the village, Jake and Ekrali walked together, their footsteps creating a rhythm in the dirt-covered paths. Jake tells him about his human days, how he was invited to the Avatar program to replace his brother, how he integrated into the Omatikaya clan, how he became Olo'eyktan, and eventually how he had to leave with his family to the Metakayina clan. Ekrali paid close attention, utterly intrigued.

Eventually, Jake worked up the courage to ask him something that was plaguing him for a while.

"Forgive me if I'm asking too much, but I'm curious. Does your clan not have a Tsahik?"

Ekrali slowed his steps, it's clear Jake has definitely struck a nerve.

"I'm sorry--"Jake started.

"No. It's okay. We had one. My mate Ka'elia."

"What happened?"

Ekrali's eyes briefly met Jake's before he looked ahead, his tone carrying a hint of sorrow. 

"After Pita was born, Ka'elia fell ill. She was never quite the same. We did everything we could to heal her, but her condition worsened. Then, she had Narokai and Alina. After Naiara, she passed away."

Jake felt a pang of empathy for Ekrali. 

"I'm sorry to hear that, Ekrali."

Ekrali nodded, his gaze returning to Jake, "Since her passing, no one has taken up the mantle of Tsahik. It's been a void in our clan, one that we've struggled to fill."

"It's not an easy role to step into."

"Indeed," Ekrali agreed, "Ka'elia was special, a true bridge between our people and Eywa. Her memory lives on, and I hope that one day, we find another who can embody that connection."


Amid the laughter that filled the training grounds, a tense undercurrent of emotions was brewing. After Palulukan has ended, the Levi'itan siblings and the Sully kids were messing around, oblivious to the brewing storm that was about to break. Unbeknownst to them, Miraya was stalking toward Pita, her fury evident in every step.

Alina, curious and concerned, approached Miraya. "Miraya, where have you been? We have guests."

Miraya's eyes blazed with anger, her focus solely on Pita. The Sully kids watched, puzzled and wary of the unfolding drama. Ignoring the Sullys' presence, Miraya confronted Pita with a venomous glare. Pita, not one to back down, narrowed her eyes in response.

"What's your problem, Miraya?"

Miraya's response was a raised fist, aimed at Pita's face. Pita's instincts kicked in, and she ducked quickly, her own fist landing a punch on Miraya's stomach. The tension in the air was palpable, and Alina stepped in to defuse the situation.

"Hey, both of you, stop!" Alina's yelled. Kai stood in the back, holding Naiara, shielding her from the scene.

Pita and Miraya circled each other.

 "Tell Miraya to stop first! What is this about?"

"You're really going to play dumb?" Miraya's voice dripped with accusation. "I know your secret. And soon, Father will too. You cheated at your Sa'ran Munta!"

Pita's eyes widened in disbelief. "What? What are you talking about?"

"I know what you did, Pita!"

"How would you know? You weren't even there!" Pita yelled. Tears welled up in her eyes, her voice trembling ever so slightly. She acted like she didn't care, but the drop in her voice made it clear that her sister's absence really hurt her.

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