Chapter 2

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The journey to the Vyrazan clan was long and arduous, mostly because they had no idea where they were supposed to go. The Vyrazan clan had no interactions with anyone for years, decades almost; therefore, no one knew exactly where they were. Tonowari had given them some directions to where they lived in the past, and Neytiri did her best to navigate using her limited knowledge of the clan's whereabouts as well.

Riding their ikrans helped because they didn't have to navigate through miles and miles of forest. Most of the way, they covered vast distances fast, but eventually, they had to dismount and try to find the clan on foot. 

The last known location of the Vyrazan clan was an interesting one. The terrain of the region stretched out, both familiar and strange at the same time. Small, serene pods of water glistened like scattered jewels across the land, reflecting the vibrant colors of the Pandora sunset.

The forest in this part of Pandora was a stark contrast to the lush, dense jungles they were accustomed to in their own clan's territory. The trees here stood tall and slender, their branches reaching gracefully toward the heavens. The canopies were open, allowing streaks of golden sunlight to filter through, casting intricate patterns on the forest floor below.

Despite the abundance of life surrounding them, the forest was quite shallow, not as dense with flora and fauna as what the Sullys were accustomed to in their home. Yet, there was an ethereal quality to this particular region, an otherworldly beauty that stirred a sense of reverence within them.

It was bordered by mostly barren dirt patches, areas where the soil seemed to resist the growth of vegetation, leaving patches of dry earth in the midst of the verdant landscape. This left Jake stumped. If the terrain was so shallow then--

"Why is it so hard to find them in this damn forest?" Jake grumbled.

"There's no way anyone lives here. They probably left this area a long time ago. We're following a dead end." Lo'ak complained.

"You're just mad that you left Tsireya." Spider teased. Tuk, riding on Neteyam's back, giggles loudly. Neteyam and Spider soon join in. 

"Are you done?" Lo'ak replied, embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, enough," Jake says.

"I see something," Neytiri's voice carried a mix of excitement and urgency as she pointed toward a distant glimmer through the foliage. 

Without a moment's hesitation, she broke into a run, her lithe figure effortlessly navigating through the forest. The Sully family followed closely behind. Each step brought them closer to the elusive answer they sought, and their hearts pounded in anticipation.

As they reached the source of Neytiri's sighting, they found themselves in a small clearing...nothing. The disappointment was palpable as they realized that they were still unsure of their exact location. The glimmer Neytiri had seen turned out to be nothing more than a trick of the light filtering through the leaves.

Lo'ak's frustration boiled over, and he voiced his annoyance about being lost. 

"We've been wandering around for what feels like forever, and we're still nowhere near the clan!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with frustration.

Kiri, never one to hold back her thoughts, shot back, "Maybe you shouldn't have come if you're just going to complain the whole time!"

"I'm pointing out the facts. We need to regroup." 

"Okay, then what's your big idea, huh? Please tell us Lo'ak, what would you suggest we do?"

"Come on, guys, let's not fight. We'll figure this out together," Neteyam urged, trying to diffuse the tension.

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