chatpter 3 the escape

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Elise POV

After I had seen the mafia men I went to take a bath I felt disgusted with myself and the way they was looking at me with lust in their eye didn't make things any better.

I washed my body till it became red but I still felt so dirty,I used all my soap but still didn't fill pure enough but their was nothing I could do I will always be like this even when I escape.

After bathing I wore a dark washed blue jean and gray top I walked out of my room into the next room to mine to met Mira

Mira is one of the youngest among us she was just 15 while I am 19 almost 20 I have been exposed to abuse for more than ten years now.

I knock on the door, a roommate of Mira come out

"Hi" I smile to her nicely

"Hello" she says back shyly with a little blush on her cheek, i don't want to brag but I was a very popular person among the girls

"Is Mira in" I asked

Her face become sad,what could have happened to Mira I could feel my heart beat increase

"What happened to her"

"Yesterday was her birthday"

I totally forgot about that well I was unconscious yesterday but that is not what is important right now


"They took her to the room this morning few minute before you entered"

The room? The room!!

It was where they took us, to take our Virginity oh my poor baby.

I could feel tears forming in my eye. She was such a innocent and poor girl I have to do something

I guess I have have to get my plane in motion earlier than expected.

I walk out of the room to prepare for my plans


Few hours later I had called as many girls as I could take to work in the plan for freedom

The younger girls like Mira had suddenly be let go because some important person was coming to the club for some meeting.

And with the way they are busy gives us the perfect opportunity to ran away

Our plan was simple we make a fire alarm go off and when that are busy checking it out we ran into the back where car of our masters and mistress are kept and drive it with us in it.

But we all knew not every girl will be able to go out some of us will be caught and be punished or worst killed, shot in the head because most of the men that work here are always with a gun.

While we were still talking Lucy comes in and everyone faces turned ugly

No one like her she always behaves above everyone. And the most shocking thing is that she loves her job,dancing for old men and sleeping with them it was something that made her happy while it makes me sad

And for that we didn't tell her our plans because we know she will expose us

"Well hello guys how are you" she said with her seduced voice, she look at me with jealousy in her eye she never liked me in fact she hated me the most I think its because she knows I'm prettier than her and she wasn't so bad herself.

"What do you want Lucy" I asked her

"I was just wondering what you guys were doing here" she looked at us suspiciously

"Nothing, were just talking"

"about what?"

"Its none of your business... Now get out"

Nobody could talk to like that well except me, she has no right to stick her nose into others matter.

She glares at me again with so much rage and hate in her eye for me. The hate was so much I felt a little scared but I quickly composed myself I didn't want her ego to go higher.

Another reason why she hated me was because their is a mafia lord who was very strong the strongest that has ever been in the club and was handsome with lots of money she always wanted her but he never looked at her his eye were always on me but I didn't want him but that didn't stop him from rapping me on one night.

It was a terrible memory I couldn't walk for day somehow he was able to make me conscious till he finished.... It was on my 17 birthday maybe that why I hate my birthday so much it always carried something bad

"We will continue later" and with that she walked away


It was now it's in the evening around 8, our masters and mistress were arranging everywhere to make it spotless for the special guest.

I wonder who it was,they have never been this agitated about the coming of any guest.

We already had everything planed for our escape we where just waiting for the right time before we make our move.

And the right opportunity came because the special guest had arrived ....that called him the Mafia's king........

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Your girl kira

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