11 | the boy with the black hair

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Wet pellets of rainwater once again hit my face as I walk through the rain to my last class of the day.

I don't know why I chose this pathway to class, but maybe it'll give me some luck, which I definitely haven't been getting.

While most see rain as a depressing type of weather that doesn't bring anything other than people in horrible moods, I see it as an opportunity of growth and enjoyment like plants do when they get nutrients from rain.

Plants are generally happy...right?

I pray that they are, I've been having trouble deciphering chaewons words of so-called beneficial information, but after almost a full day of school, I have yet to crack the metaphorical code that the world has been hiding from me, and that isn't putting me in a very desirable mood at the moment.

I walked into the dance studio classroom, most of the students already changed into their dancing clothes and started warming up their muscles.

I set my bag down in the corner, walking into the small locker room connected to to studio, changing into my pitch black baggy sweatpants, paired with a very oversized gray shirt and black sneakers.

I always seem to hear converse high by bts ringing in my ears whenever imI slip these shoes on my feet.

I walked back out to the studio, getting some quick stretching in as my warm-up before our teacher finished tying her shoelaces and asked us to sit down on the floor in front of her.

"Hello last class of the day! Hopefully your days have been going okay so far. Now let's see what you have all accomplished so far for the group dances. I know it's still early, but I still would like to see the progress every group is making. So please get into your groups and I'll give you about five minutes to get all warmed up together."

The first half of class went by faster than I thought it would, but turns out when you don't have your eyes in the clock counting down the seconds until you get to leave, it actually feels as if time moves faster.

Our teacher directed us to sit down in front of her once again, clapping her hands to get out attention redirected back to her.

"Now, it does look like everyone is making excellent progress in their groups and we finished that faster than I thought we would, so since we have about ten minutes, I know some of you haven't started our latest assignment, so I thought we could go ahead and get some of the generic details of it out of the way to make your lives a little easier! Now let's see... Jungwon! What was the assignment I'm referring to?"

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