Chapter Sixteen

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     Alcove hung up the phone and slumped into the chair behind her desk. She was exhausted from the constant searching for Roan, and every time she thought she thought she was close to finding him, the lead slipped through her fingers. It frustrated her to no extent that someone as skilled as her couldn't even track her own brother down.

She was fed up with his cowardice and viewed him as a traitor. After all, he had left Hallow to rot in prison and run away from the organization like a scared rabbit. That's how she viewed it. Even if she did not know that technically Roan was captured, if she were to know, she would view his failure to escape as a weakness.

Alcove knew that her boss would be disappointed with her failure to find Roan, but she was determined to make it right. She decided retrieving Hallow from prison was the key to finding Roan. Hallow was incredibly intelligent and resourceful, and she knew that with his help, she could finally track down Roan and bring him to justice.

As she thought about her plan, Alcove's mental state became more and more unstable. The stress of her job and the constant failures had taken a toll on her, and she found herself slipping deeper into darkness. She had always been a ruthless killer, but now her thirst for blood was insatiable. She longed for the rush of adrenaline that came with taking a life, and she knew that Hallow would help her achieve it.

Alcove stood up and walked to the window of her office, staring out into the night. She knew that her plan was risky and that retrieving Hallow from prison would be no easy task. But she was determined to see it through, no matter the cost. She had nothing left to lose, and everything to gain.

Alcove paced back and forth in her small apartment, her mind racing with thoughts of Roan and Hallow. She knew she couldn't continue to search for Roan any longer, not when he had betrayed their cause. And to make matters worse, she had just received news that Hallow was being held in a high-security prison.

Finally, Alcove made up her mind. She would call her boss and tell him she was no longer searching for Roan. He had become a liability to their mission and had put all of their lives in danger. She picked up her phone and dialed her boss's number.

"Hello," her boss answered in a deep voice.

"Boss, it's Alcove," she said, her voice tense.

"Alcove, I trust you have good news for me?" her boss asked.

"I'm afraid not," Alcove said, "I've decided to stop searching for Roan. He's become a liability to our cause, and I view him as a traitor. I think it's best to resume that mission at a later date."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line before her boss spoke again.

"I see," he said, "And what of Hallow?"

"I want to retrieve him from prison but I haven't yet," Alcove said firmly. "He's too valuable to our cause to be locked away for much longer."

"Very well," her boss said. "I'll make the necessary plans to make arrangements for his release. But Alcove, you must remember our ultimate goal. Do not let personal feelings cloud your judgment."

"I understand," Alcove said, trying to keep her voice steady.

After the call ended, Alcove sank into a chair, feeling drained. She knew what she was doing was risky, but she couldn't continue to search for Roan, not when her loyalty to their mission had been compromised. And as for Hallow, she would do whatever it took to get him out of prison and back on their side. Though, this was only temporary. In no way would she forget to take revenge on Roan for his failures.

Alcove returned to her bedroom and quickly went through her nightly routine. She removed her makeup, brushed her teeth, and changed into her sleeping clothes - a simple black tank top and shorts that revealed her alluring, freckled skin.

As she settled into bed, her mind was still racing with thoughts of Roan and Hallow. She couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal from Roan and the disappointment of Hallow's capture.

Alcove tried to clear her mind and focus on the task at hand - her next mission. She closed her eyes and began to visualize herself completing the mission successfully. She imagined herself effortlessly taking out her target with her near-perfectly honed skills. She knew it would take weeks to flawlessly articulate a plan to free Hallow from prison, but she was prepared to take that risk.

As she drifted off to sleep, her body relaxed but her mind remained alert. She was always on high alert, even in her sleep. Her training had ingrained in her the importance of being aware of her surroundings at all times.

Despite her exhaustion, Alcove slept with a hand on her hidden weapon. She knew that danger could strike at any moment, and she was always prepared to defend herself.

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