Chapter 9 - The Demon Lords

Start from the beginning

"So who are you accepting today?" Ethan asked, drawing me from my thoughts as I lifted another bite of oatmeal to my lips.

I grinned, activating my wrist. "What do you think? I have two minotaurs to choose from—Kusarikku and Maximus—and you know how much I enjoy them and their thick cocks. Although, they are ridiculously messy. Why is it orange? Do they eat something odd for it to be orange?"

Ethan snorted. "I have no idea, but those bull testicles are enormous." He cupped himself. "I'm glad I'm normal-sized."

I rolled my eyes and punched him in the shoulder. "You know damn well you enjoy the minotaurs, lion demons, and wolf demons. Anything with a thick cock or a knot, and you are all over that."

His silver eyes narrowed, a smirk on his lips. "And you aren't? Please. I've seen your choices, Mist."

I shrugged. It was true. They were easy to manipulate and get information from. Not particularly good at sex, though, so I always taunted them until I got what I wanted.

"So which one? Or are you going for something else on your list?"

Scrolling down, I showed him the rest of my options.

His eyebrows rose. "Basmu wants more, does he? He certainly is persistent." Ethan leaned towards me across the table. "You do have a lot of repeat requests. Anything you want to share?"

I smirked and held up a hand. "Nope, and don't go suggesting we try each other out either. I like our friendship just fine and don't feel the need to muck it up with sex between us."

The Atlantean males in the temple often hooked up with fellow female acolytes after servicing male demons in the playground. Not to say females didn't hook up with each other, too, but not as frequently. With Atlanteans having a skewed sex ratio of five males to every female born, most Atlantean males were bisexual. Ruled by a matriarchy, polyamorous marriages in Atlantean society were the norm, with every female having multiple male consorts.

It was the opposite solution to what Muspelheim had pursued. Demons were definitely a patriarchy, and from what I could gather in my questioning, few female demons were born or hatched, depending on the species. Instead, the demon lords had created the fertility temples to ensure the predominately male population had a sexual outlet to mitigate their aggressive natures.

Not that they didn't still fight amongst themselves. They were ruthless predators. When they fought, they killed each other and ate the loser. Their own version of population control.

Ethan pouted, and I laughed.

"You are a cruel, cruel female to deny me your sexy, curvaceous body and obvious expertise," he said.

"You'll survive, I'm sure," I teased.

My wrist brand flashed, and I selected Maximus. I wanted to follow up on a previous conversation to find out how Maximus travelled between sky realm islands and down to the surface. He didn't have wings.

Ethan smirked at me, and I blew him a raspberry. Let him think it was the size of Maximus' cock that drove my selection.

My appointment with Maximus wasn't for another couple of hours, but when we weren't servicing patrons, we were expected to do the chores that kept the temple running. I was on the equipment and toy cleaning rotation today, so when the chime sounded, I followed the others out of the residence, through the gate and to the main temple playroom. Those with appointments met their patrons at the street gate when they entered, leading them to the main temple playground or to a room in the maze.

I gathered the special soaps and buckets of water from the washing stations, carting them to the shelves with the toys. Bloudwedd joined me.

"Are you on cleaning today, too?" I asked.

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