Dial BB for Big Bird!

414 10 19

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
Dial BB for Big Bird!


Rubbing their face and grabbing a shirt they thought was theirs, (___) put it on, got up and got ready to roll over onto the floor. Their eyes widened when they realized they were on the top bunk and tried to roll back, but it was too late. Their face hit the ground hard as they moaned out, almost sounding as if they were crying.

This woke Wayne, who shot up from his snoring and looked down from his bunk. He reached for his shirt but realized it wasn't there. He looked back on the ground to see they were wearing it. He chuckled and climbed down from his bunk to check on them. He crouched down and poked them with his finger, making them jolt up.

"Huh, what," They looked up to see him, crouching down and stifling a laugh. They put on a playful glare and punched his arm weakly, "You jerk!"

He shielded himself with his hands as he let out his laugh, looking around the cabin. It only took a glance to realize nobody was in there with them, "I think we slept in! Nobody's here."

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious," They stretched their back and coughed out, "But yeah, literally nobody is here. You'd think after sleeping in your cabin for a whole week, I'd remember what happened the first few times I fell."

"What if the challenge already started?" Wayne looked outside the door, seeing nobody.

"Eh, they wouldn't start without us. Maybe they're all in the mess hall! Do you wanna start," (___) looked down at their clothing and realized it was his hockey jersey. They face palmed and started to take it off when he stopped them.

"No, don't! It looks nice." They both felt their cheeks as he continued talking, "Besides, I have another one!" He ran to his bag next to, what they assumed, was Raj's. He threw out things like hockey pucks and other equipment before he pulled out another uniform. He slipped it on and got back up.

"For a tv show, you'd think you'd pack something else than hockey gear." They chuckled as they headed out, holding the door for Wayne.


As they opened the door to the mess hall, they only saw Chase and Zee, everyone else out of sight. They raised an eyebrow but didn't question it. They sat down next to Chase, hoping he forgot the events of last week, but he didn't.

"Hey! So, last challenge huh?" Chase asked as he watched Wayne sit next to (___), much to his disliking. He scoffed and reached out to hold his hand. They didn't pull away but hesitated for a minute, letting him intertwine their fingers together. Soon after, Wayne held their other hand, squeezing it tightly.

"Yeah, last challenge. Great." Their teeth gritted slightly at the touch of both guys but didn't comment, bending down to their bowl and taking a bite of whatever it was.

They felt themselves get tugged on by one side, which was the side Wayne was on. This didn't go unnoticed as Chase tugged back. They started this mini game of tug-of-war as (___) tried to eat but just groaned out in frustration. Before they could say anything, a horn was blown that surprised them all. Zee accidentally blew his soda onto Chase, who yelled out 'Dude!'.


(___) let out a sigh as they walked next to Millie, who was rubbing her head. They raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything, still, Priya answered.

"Millie and I were training. I sort of hit her, accidentally. Oh! Do you wanna start training with us?" She slowed down to walk with them as she held their teams flag in her hand.

[ TOTAL DRAMA X GN!READEROù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant