Stranger Flings!

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[ God I'm literally skipping the 'Trust Your Butt' episode because It literally just a fetish episode but IF YOU GUYS WANT TO SEE DAMIEN'S ELIMINATION I'LL TRY.

Stranger Flings!


After a long day and seeing Damien departure, they didn't even want to think about anything. They lost most of their friends, the very first friends they ever made. It was driving them nuts, especially with their team growing shorter and shorter.

As their face met the ground, they awoke. They wiped their face from drool as they rubbed their head from the fall, groaning out. (___) looked back between their bed and their clothing for the day as they tried to make the choice of getting ready or not. Before they could make a decision, a knock on their cabin made them more aware of their surroundings as they groaned out, not really wanting to move but did anyway. They walked over lazily to the door, opening it to reveal Wayne, surprisingly not sleepy or looking as if he just woke up.

"Wayne, it's like, five in the morning." (___) groaned out as they looked at the sun, rubbing their eyes as an attempt to somehow wake themselves up even more. He nodded as he wore an excited grin, which (___) thought was adorable. They chuckled at his excitement as they rubbed a hand on their face.

Ever since Scary girls elimination, Wayne and (___) had started to hang out more and more. They talked about things ranging from movies to songs, all the things you can talk about. Sometimes, even Raj would join them in their conversations, making good points and such. They started getting closer and closer, to which they both enjoyed.

"Sure, sure, but then we have more time to hang out!" He said too loudly for them but wasn't aware. They nodded in understanding and thought for a minute.

"Alright, you win. Let me just get ready and," Before they could finish, they heard another voice call out Wayne.

"Dude! Why're you up so early?" It was Raj, running up to his friend as he looked at them, "Oh! Are you," he pointed between Wayne and (___), making a 'huh' sound as he pointed, raising his eyebrows. Wayne was quick to wave his hands in denial as (___) just yawned, not really registering what's going on.


Wayne sat in the confessional, his hands folded on his lap. "Okay, so, I don't know if I like (___) or if it's just because they're hot. I guess I'll just see how It goes! It'll be pretty sweet if they liked me back though."



After pulling on a t-shirt and grabbing a notebook, they decided to head out with Wayne and, at a last minute arrival, Raj. Together they walked to the mess hall, talking about some hockey game they had. They seemed to be enjoying it but (___) didn't really understand, not having much of an interest in sports.

They sat down at a stump as Raj and Wayne kept talking, occasionally giggling and laughing aloud about memories. (___) decided to take out their journal and write down a few things. This was taken note by Raj.

"Hey, (___)! What're you writing?" Wayne looked over as well, putting on a curious face. He reached out a hand to take a look, giving them a certain look asking for permission. They raised an eyebrow before letting him see, their hand getting a bit sweaty from being nervous.

He took it as both males started to look at the journal. What was in it? It was ideas for books, things they could write about. It ranged from several things, examples are clown murder-mystery to an FBI love story. Although, on one page, it was filled with ideas for a mix of both ideas with doodles to go alongside them. They looked back at each other before looking back at (___), who was staring intently at their notebook and shaking their legs.

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