New Faces All Around!

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New Faces All Around!


"Be cool. Be cool." (___) said aloud to themselves as they approached the island, watching the dock come closer and closer. They started to sweat but tried to keep their composure.

"Hey, are you okay?" The driver of the boat asked as she looked back, raising an eyebrow and showing concern. (___) pointed to themselves as she nodded. They sighed out but gave her a thumbs up.

"I'm alright man, thanks though! This is just really scary." (___) shivered as they heard Chris's voice introduce them, making their heart swell and breathing become heavy.

"Are you sure? You sound like you're having an attack right now." The lady showed concern but (___) smiled through it, nodding once more.

"And here comes (___), our next camper!"

They sighed as they stepped off the boat, eyeing the competition nervously before waving. "Hi..!" They strained out the "I" as much as possible before clearing their throat, "I'm (___), it's very nice to meet you all!"


"So, hi!" (___) started off, looking at the camera from a seemingly messy room. "Sorry I couldn't find a better looking place, my house is not really..spacy." They looked around as they shoved things under their bed and under their desk.

"But anyways, hi! I'm (___)! I've been thinking of going to University for a writing degree and my parents don't really have the money, so I'm going on total drama to compete! I've got a lot to offer, even if you don't think I look like I do!


"Good to know, (___). Your teams over there, beside scary girl and Chase." Chris pointed one way near a group of..strange looking people. But, they themselve were a bit strange as well, nothing to judge!

They stepped forward, almost slightly tripping on the boardwalk, which earned a couple snickers from the other contestants. They brushed it off, until they actually fell.

Then, laughter from a guy who was half naked erupted. After he decided to laugh, some others did as well, only slightly snickering. (___) felt themselves get on all fours struggling to get up but could only sweat and feel their heart start to beat faster. Was this a bad idea? God, this is why rehearsals matter!

"Are you okay?" A voice broke out as (___) looked up, looking at a girl in a yellow sweater and white skirt. She kneeled down to help them get up, earning a thank you in return. Their face held one of discomfort and nervousness at the guy's laughter still happening until there was a smack and an "Ow!"

The girl just rolled her eyes and smiled sweetly at (___), "Ignore him, you're doing great!" She made them feel a tiny bit better but they still felt themselves cringe at his laughter, ringing in their mind. They stepped towards their spot, being eyed at by 'Scary girl' and Chase. The next camper was a girl named Julia, but (___) didn't really care.

"Do you know how much pressure bones can take before they crack?" Their eyes widened as they stared towards Scary girl, but ultimately chilled down and shrugged. If they were going to be on teams, they didn't want to drive their team members away. It's either be a team player or be the player the team sends home.

"Honestly, I don't know. You wanna test it?" (___) asked genuinely, stretching their arm out for Scary girl to test. They didn't really mind, having a high pain tolerance and they wanted to get to know the team anyway.

Scary girl giggles in delight as she grabs their arm, beginning to put pressure onto it as they winced but didn't seem to mind. (___) nervously smiled as they began to look at the team, Chase grabbing their attention. They eyed him as he stared back, sort of freaked out.

[ TOTAL DRAMA X GN!READEROnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora