A Skull Based Game!

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A Skull Based Game!


As Scary girl awoke, she decided to check on her friend! She rolled over and hung atop her bunk, looking down to (___). As they slept, Scary girl thought of all the ways she could do her makeover, after all, there are only so many styles! She thought for a moment once she decided, clapping her hands giddily. She rolled over once more and started to poke her new friend awake.

"Five more minutes.." They mumbled as they rolled over, looking at their top bunk mate. They smacked their lips quietly and looked as she smiled, waving ecstatically. (___) smiled and chuckled, sitting upright as they cocked their head, "Hey, Lauren! What're you doing so early? Actually, what time is it?"

"Makeover!" She answered as she cackled aloud, making them flinch as they just woke up. They nodded their head and got off their bunk, stretching a bit.

"Can I bring clothes?" They didn't really get an answer as Scary girl skipped away, heading to their place to do a makeover. They just shrugged and brought their own bag, following her as they looked at their sleeping bunk mates. They haven't really interacted at all, haven't they? They made a mental note to try to hang out with them later, but right now was Scary girl time.


"So, what kind of style are we doing?" (___) set their bags down onto the tables in the mess hall. Scary girl just shrugged, getting her makeup ready to apply on them. "You can do whatever, just don't put too much makeup on, it's not really my sort of thing."

She nodded as she grabbed a bottle of eyeliner, dipping it a few times before applying it onto their skin. They tried not to move and decided to try to talk to take their mind off of it. "So, do you, uh, like music?"

She nodded and smiled, moving from one eye to the other. They smiled back and thought to themselves. "I'm all for any song, but I think my personal favorite is (_Your_Choice_)! I don't know if you'd like it, honestly." She nodded and kept listening, "Do you have a favorite song?"

She just shrugged her shoulders, keeping to herself. They raised an eyebrow but decided that she knew best. She looked at their bag and motioned to it. "Oh! It's just a change of clothes that I think could possibly go with the style you're tryna do." She nodded as she pulled her own bag out, dropping it onto the table as well, "It's not exactly but we can try a scene look, emo, just whatever."

"How about this?" Scary girl pulled a corset, smiling as she pulled the strings. Their eyes widened as they looked at it.

"Woah, corset? I don't know, I've never worn one."

"It'll be fun! Just watch and learn." (___) watched as she went behind them, sitting on another log as she wrapped the corset around. Scary girl tied the corset, "See? Like this!"

"Sure is," They let out a gasp of air as they chuckled, "Sure is tight!" Scary girl nodded as she released the corsets strings, letting it go loose and letting them breathe. They gasped out before giving her a thumbs up. "Sure, I can wear that. I wanna look like you, though! Like, I'll wear a blouse with those poofy ends at the hands. I'll basically just wear a suit and you can wear a dress so we can match!"

Scary girl giddily giggled and clapped her hands, happy to oblige.


"How is it coming along?" (___) asked as Scary girl held their cheeks in her hand, adding the finishing touches to their face. They smiled happily as they looked at their outfit. They wore a wine-purple blouse with puffy long sleeves, a black corset, and wine-purple dress pants that go skinny at the ankles but wide at the pants. They also had a collar that had spikes on every angle and some little bracelets that they had themselves, "This is surely an interesting look!"

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