His brother is gonna eat this crab alive.

Mikey takes a glance around and his eyes landed on the grand advisor. Jei, a wolf Yokai with fur blacker than night, with grey blackish fur to give him some detailing, a muzzle that even when closed you could see his knife like teeth, he wore grand black yukata with silver metal pieces, his eyes were a dull grey and at first some might think him blind, but he wasn't. He carried a metal staff with him who's head was carved to look like a wolf. He mentioned once it was a family heirloom and Mikey always had a bad feeling whenever the man was around, but being the youngest and viewed as the royal baby hardly anyone listened to him. He had come to the palace five years ago after the previous advisor retired seemingly just showing up one night. He also claims he can sense the purity in someone, but Mikey calls bulls on that.

Everyones attention was drawn to the doors at the end of the throne room when they were heard opening and there entered the "Princess". They wore no mask their markings on full display thanks to the sleeveless blue dress they wore that had gold gems with sapphires down the bodice and showed off their natural femine figure, varying shades of blue and gold made up a pattern on their dress that was worth enough to feed a family for generations, the
sparkles in the fabric made the blue look like the light reflecting off the vast ocean, a tiara that had gold flowers with blue sapphires as the petals, deep green emeralds as the leaves, and spots of diamond for extra beauty, two dangling bits attached dangled at the sides of their head giving off the appearance of earrings, looking like water droplets with a matching necklace, blue eyeshadow that made their blue eyes stand out, red lipstick, and while all their stripes were natural makeup was added to them all to make them look more vivid. Their arms had bright yellow stripes that were bare of any jewelry and for a moment they grasped each of their wrists before they walk forward the back of their dress being dragged along by them.

The prince's jaw drops and they became speechless like many of the other suitors as they got closer a polite if neutral expression on their face as behind them their attendant and pet Yokai dog thing of mysterious origins follows behind them. Even the guards accompanying the prince had visible disbelief at the beauty of the "princess".

Finally the princess stops in front of the crab Yokai and gives a curtly smile. "Prince Carl, I hope you had a pleasant journey," their voice was light and airy pleasant to listen to. Carl smiles and bows taking their hand and kissing it using his claw to caress the "princess's" hand and travel up to where there would usually be bracelets present. It's only years of practice and a natural talent for concealment that the "princess" does not make themselves look repulsed by the gesture. Without their usual jewellery they feel naked. "Princess Leah," the prince stood to full height puffing out their chest. "I have been told many stories about you, but none of them spoke of your breath taking beauty," He compliments. Leah nods politely pulling their hand back. "I can say the same to you," Leah said with a polite smile and the prince smiles brightly. "Yes that is what they say about me. I'm sure whatever stories they've told about me are true," He said and Leah pretends to look pleasantly surprised. "Oh so the stories of how you and your brother prince Ben spent all the royal funds on a party with no regard to how it would affect your kingdom? Causing a ten percent increase in taxes for the common people and erraticating the free health care your kingdom used to have so you could save your kingdom from bankruptcy?" Leah asks the same sweet and airy voice used so it took the rather dim prince a moment before the words caught up to him. "Yes.... I mean wait!" He began as Mikey winces.

His brother's in a bad mood if he didn't even have a play with the prince. He usually strings them along a little but today he went for the finishing blow.

"Child," Yoshi said sternly in warning and Leah looks to their father. "We're done here," They said and turns to leave when the prince steps in front not willing to let such a beauty slip away. "Uh princess please I can assure you those are just outlandish rumours. I uh oh what a beautiful pet you have!" The crab Yokai looks to the Yokai pet at Leo's side who looks at the prince growling with warning.

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