The Prince

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Inside the palace throne room in the middle of it stood the younger of the Sando prince brothers of a small but wealthy kingdom of Sandrosa. He was a crab Yokai with black curly hair pulled back with a crown atop his head and extravagant vermillion robes that had jewels and amber gems hanging off his robes. Behind him were some of his guards to make sure the prince stayed safe dressed in extravagant looking armour for mere guards proving how wealthy the kingdom is.

The throne room itself was impressive in its own right. While not dripping with jewels or gold it had old and beautiful red carved pillars that had gold paint depicting past battles that the royal family has fought in, the floors and walls were made with cool light jade stone, large stain glass windows with beautiful colours that would bath the room in dancing colour all throughout the day, a red fine carpet with red, gold, and green patterns, old paintings and artefacts were present, on shelves mostly consisting of objects gifted by forgien kingdoms as a sign of thanks and to show how connected their kingdom is, a large elevated platform that housed five thrones.

The one in the middle was made of gold and some type of clear crystal jewels placed all along it in no fancy or extravagant pattern within it, housed the emperor a rat Yokai who had grey hair, was short and frumpy, white robes with black highlights and the Hamato royal crest on one side where his heart was present, he wore no crown, but he did not require it since despite his appearance he clearly commanded power and respect of a wise man.

The four thrones either side of him were nearly identical the one on his immediate right was larger than the others with red cushions that were made of a dense frabic, the wooden arm rest had many scratches in it. This throne was empty. On the Emperor's left side the throne was a violet purple and smaller with exceptionally fine fabric and slightly smaller than the other throne, if you looked at the back you could see a metal compartment holding who knew what but otherwise it was made of fine wood like the other throne. This throne was one also empty. The throne on the purple ones left had blue fabric and looked absolutely identical otherwise to the purple throne even having the same fabric pattern just in a bright shade of royal blue fabric cushions. The throne was also empty like the other two, but unlike the previous two thrones it was not viewed with an underside of dread and no negative emotions came from it.

Finally there was the throne that by size and carved alone it appeared the same to the previous two thrones, but this one had bright orange cushions the colour of fire, the same size as the other two, but it also was very colourful. It had been painted over but done carefully as to look pretty with many different types of paintings elegantly interwoven with one another, but you could never find all of them unless you knew the occupant. Unlike the other thrones this one was occupied by the youngest prince.

A box turtle kappa freshly of fourteen with dark green skin, orange spots along his arms and legs though those were covered by his orange robes that had varying shades so when he moved one might think him on fire, the prince had a orange bandana of orange cloth around his eyes with two holes cut out so he could see the tail ends comically short, but it made his baby blue eyes stand out. He looked sweet and innocent on the surface but hidden behind his throne housed his nunchucks and let someone not be fooled into thinking this prince was a easy target because of his young age. This is prince Michelangelo, but among his family and close friends he's known by many nicknames the most used one being "Mikey". Covered by his long sleeves were bracelets made of gold one covered in red rubies the other covered in purple amethysts matching the other identically.

The prince was the only one looking openly nervous keeping on glancing out the window as they all awaited. It was silent and never one for a tense silent the Sandrosa prince spoke. "Your majesty thank you for accepting my invitation at a courtship of your lovely princess. I have heard many stories about her," He said politely with a wide smile. The Emperor Yoshi gives a soft smile back and a nod. "I was surprised to receive it. I had thought my child had scared all potential matches off by now. Sorry to keep you waiting my child makes sure to always look their best," Yoshi explains and the prince waves it off. "Do not worry your majesty they say I prince Carl is the most patient crab you'll ever meet," Prince 'Carl' said. A few guards rolled their eyes at that betraying that was a lie. "Besides woman am I right? Always takes so long to apply their makeup," Carl said and Yoshi continues nodding while Mikey openly frowns and almost feels pity.

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