"As Mayor, I hereby give Monkey Queen the key to our fair city." The mayor says as he turned to Yue while shakily handing her the key as Luna and Stitch saw this and couldn't find it suspicious about him and the key, same with Yue as she grabs the key and then her eyes glowed blue as a blue aura surrounded her before it burst through her body.

Yue blinks before looking at the key with a suspicious look an her face. "Um,uh, what does this key do exactly?" She asked in confusion. "Oh, you'll love this, sweetheart,it has the power to open anything!" The Mayor exclaimed which gain Luna and Stitch attention as Mei was now in his face. "Oooh, anything? Like a pet shop full of puppies?" Mei asked, and then the mayor says as the blue aura surrounded him, "yes! Or the door to the lion's cage, or an orphan's piggy bank, an imprisoned mystic power source" and afte he said that all the sudden Yue's eyes glowed and got a vision of an ancient tomb and then a skeleton face with glowing red eyes.

 "Oooh, anything? Like a pet shop full of puppies?" Mei asked, and then the mayor says as the blue aura surrounded him, "yes! Or the door to the lion's cage, or an orphan's piggy bank, an imprisoned mystic power source" and afte he said that all t...

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Yue gasped quietly before her eyes stopped glowing, thankfully no one noticed as the mayor continued "whatever you like! Today you can do no wrong. You've got my permission. 'Cause I'm the mayor!" And then cackles menacingly before disappearing into blue smoke. "Huh. I'm starting to think, that's maybe not the mayor." Mei says  while Yue turns her attention back to the key. "Tell me about it. I don't remember if Izayaoi town has a mayor to begin with. Did you guys hear what he just called Yue? And the way he looks at her, creepy" Mira says as Yue's eyes widens before grunting in pain while placing a hand on her head. "Yue!" Chad called out as he and his girlfriend (Mira) went to their senior and helped her sat down on a chair as everyone looks at her worried.

"Are you gonna be ok, Yue?" Luna asked worriedly and Yue looks at her and says "yes Luna I'm fine, it's just a headache that's all." Pigsy comes up and hands her a cup of water. "Here sweetie have some water." Pigsy saysas Yue takes it and drank the whole cup. "Thanks uncle Pigsy." Yue says as she places the cup down and gets up as she looks at the key suspiciously. "Hey guys I think we need to talk somewhere privately." Yue says as they looked at each other before looking at Yue and nodded as they went outside.

Meanwhile in the celestial realm

AoBing's eyes widen as he felt something was wrong and then noticed the crystal ball glowing and went over it. "Show me what's happening in the mortal realm" he says and with that the crystal ball showed Yue is talking with her friends while holding the key and his eyes widen in shock and disbelief and horror. "...oh no." He says

Meanwhile back in the mortal realm

The gang are outside of the shop at Sandy's boat in the Sea-crate bade studying the key while Hiro, Yoichi and Mei are playing video games. Yue looks at the key holding it to her temple. "Hey Yue I just realized some guy's are falling in love with you." Mei said causing everyone shocked and looked at Mei and shouted "WHAT!?!" Yue yelped from the others shouting and blushed madly, "what makes you say that?" Yue asked Mei who elbowed her bestie. "Ow!"

Monkey Queen (Yue and friends)Where stories live. Discover now