jouno is sleepy grr

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Jouno was tired. Utterly drained, he looked extremely pale compared to his usual self, and was overthinking every possible thing.

"Jouno, you're tired."

"You think?"

"Go rest, Jouno. As vice-commander, I order you to go sleep."


"Come on, Jouno." Tecchou dragged Jouno away, his complaints half-assed since he was tired as fuck and could barely think straight (not like he can). "Tecchou, put me the fuck down!! I'm not going to sleep.."

He was already feeling the past month's fatigue wash over him. "I'm not tired." And just then he yawned. It was really soft, but Tecchou still heard it. "You are tired, Jouno. You've been working so hard, you should rest. Overworking isn't good for you."

"Says you!"

"We shall ignore me for the time being." Soon, Jouno gave up on fighting back and just let himself relax on Tecchou, who was carrying him like he was a package over his shoulder. He felt his eyelids droop even further down, and his breathing became a bit more even.

Soon, the duo reached Jouno's room, and Jouno was struggling to keep himself awake. "I'm not... tired!" He jolted awake once again, huffing and getting up to run out of the room. But Tecchou had a strong grip on his arm, and Jouno couldn't escape it. "Ugh- what?! I'm not tired!" Jouno protested yet again, and Tecchou just sighed as the shorter man used his ability to escape Tecchou. "Jouno, get out of your stinky particle form." Tecchou groaned in annoyance, deciding to look for Jouno's vaccuum cleaner to suck him up. "Hey— what are you doing?! WAIT NO, not the vaccuum PLEASE. I promise I'll rest!!" Jouno turned back into his human form. Being stuck in a vaccuum was a terrible experience for him.

"You better."

"...Hey, Tecchou?"

"Hm?" Tecchou tilted his head in response to his name, signifying that he was listening. "Ah.. um. Can- ugh. Can you stay.. here with me..?" Jouno asked shyly, a red tint on his face. Tecchou let out a small smile, and walked towards Jouno's bed, sitting on the floor beside Jouno. "Sure." The brunette held his hand, giving him a comforting squeeze that meant 'I won't leave'.

A few hours later, Jouno was still awake. He hadn't actually been trying to sleep, to be completely honest. "...Tecchou?"


"Can you.. um. Can you come on the bed and lie down next to me..?" He was embarrassed as fuck. "Sure." Tecchou climbed into bed with Jouno, invading his personal space by a lot. "Good night, Jouno." Tecchou drew circles on the blind man's back, hugging him comfortingly. "Good night, Tecchou-san..." Jouno replied, already drifting off.

Once Tecchou realised that he was asleep, he wrapped his arms around Jouno properly, smiling a bit as he held his partner close. It was cute how Jouno was so flustered. He looked at Jouno's lips, etching it into his memory. Why did his crush have to be so undeniably attractive? At least he was sleeping, Tecchou thought, slowly drifting off himself. He placed a chaste kiss onto Jouno's forehead, before falling asleep.


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