suegiku royalty au bcs i promised

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im writing this at mcdonalds 🤭

Jouno Saigiku, a prestigious knight, just so happened to be the victim of Tecchou Suehiro's love. Suehiro was a noble, a prince. So how in the fuck did they fall in love?

It all started with a mission. Tecchou was actually kidnapped by another kingdom, since that kingdom have been enemies with Tecchou's for the longest time. The king had sent all his strongest troops, and even put up a reward for the person who managed to find him. He'd be provided with the job of a knight of very high status, and Jouno was having financial problems within his family, so he tried. And succeeded. No one expected it to happen, since Jouno was blind, but Jouno was much more capable than everyone thought him to be. 

When Jouno got to the prison cell that Tecchou was kept in, Tecchou was all beaten up and bloody, he looked pale (not like jouno could see that lmfao) and he was coughing hollowly every few seconds. In his coughs, splutters of blood came out of his mouth, and when he saw Jouno, he smiled and fainted, Jouno standing there surprised. "Y-your Highness?!" Jouno managed to break him out and carry him all the way back to their makeshift camp, where the knights and paramedics all rushed to help Jouno and the severely injured prince. That. Was probably when Tecchou fell for Jouno. 

It has been around six years since that incident happened, and every day Tecchou falls more for Jouno. "Saigiku-san!" Tecchou smiled at his companion, who smiled back at him. Jouno and Tecchou's bond was unbreakable, and Jouno was the only one that Tecchou openly shared his feelings with, and Tecchou was the only one who Jouno was nice to. "Tecchou. You reek of strawberries and ketchup, what the fuck?" Tecchou smiled and chuckled. Nothing could escape Jouno's strong senses. "We'll have to go to that ball I told you about later, unfortunately.." "Hah?! Why do I have to go?" Jouno asked, fuming. "Because you're my personal guard, I guess. I could ask them to let you stay here if you want." Tecchou offered. The thought of Tecchou being guarded by someone who wasn't Jouno made Jouno's blood boil, and he replied immediately. "It's okay. I'll go with you." 

"Jouno.. there you are." Tecchou's words were slightly slurred, signifying that he was drunk. "AHA—Tecchou, are you drunk?" "I am if you want me to beee..." "Suehiro, c'mon, let's get you some water, alright?" Some other knights at the event looked at them with a smug look on their faces, while others' looked devastated. The stretching of their facial muscles annoyed Jouno to no end. It was obnoxiously loud, but Jouno had to get his prince to drink water first. His prince? His prince. He's never really thought of Tecchou as anything other than Tecchou, but when he thought of it, he couldn't help but think, 'my prince'. It brought butterflies to Jouno's stomach, and he smiled gently, as he helped Tecchou drink his water. For some disgusting reason, Tecchou was more stubborn in his drunken state as compared to when he's sober, and Jouno was forced to take some blueberries to put in the water. "Hm.." Tecchou mumbled, leaning onto Jouno. "O-oi! T-Tecchou-san!!" He blushed, tapping Tecchou as Tecchou snaked his arms around Jouno's waist, hugging him. "Mmh, nooooo.." Jouno sighed in exasperation, but let him stay in that position, hugging him back awkwardly. 

It's been a few hours since the ball started, and Tecchou has not tried to move an inch. Jouno's tried to get him off only to no avail, since Tecchou was actually better at combat than Jouno was, so he was stronger. "..What do I do with you.." All of a sudden, Tecchou got up, albeit careful to not hurt Jouno. "Let's dance." "W-WHAT..?" Jouno half shouted, his face a furious shade of red. Tecchou dragged Jouno out onto the balcony, and latched their hands together, the other hand on Jouno's waist. Jouno slowly hrabbed hold of Tecchou's shoulder, and Tecchou moved around skillfully (i cant spell). Jouno followed after him, and Tecchou made sure to go slowly so that Jouno could follow. They danced around the balcony, slowly gaining confidence as they started dancing at a normal speed, their hearts racing, yet beautifully in sync. Tecchou twirled Jouno around, and Jouno giggled at the action, when suddenly he let out a yelp. Tecchou dipped Jouno, his entire body falking backwards with only two sturdy arms supporting him. They gazed into each others' eyes (yeah jouno opens his eyes in this au and his eyes are red!!) before laughing out loud, both men with a red tint on their faces. Tecchou pulled him back up, and kissed him. It wasn't on the lips, it was on the forehead, but Jouno still got flustered nonetheless. "Suehiro-san..." he sighed, swooning dramatically, and then captured his lips into a kiss. It was passionate, and they were both so, so inexperienced, yet their mouths fit together perfectly, just like pieces of a puzzle. 

"...I miss you."


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