pokemon devs<<<

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"It's not okay, Tecchou! They're fucking disbanding, I- what the fuck are the Pokémon developers thinking?! This wasn't supposed to happen, they're supposed to be a happy little group forever! I can't–" Jouno broke out into sobs while on a call with Tecchou, and Tecchou had no idea how to console him. "I'm sure there's better people..?" "No, they're the best! They're the only ones.. ugh! I hate the Pokémon devs, die die die die die!!"

Jouno hung up in frustration, curling up into a ball and hugging his legs. This wasn't supposed to happen, no. Team Rocket was supposed to be the iconic little villains forever. He had just gotten over the fact that Ash was retiring, and now they're bombing him with this? He wanted to strangle the developers so badly, he wanted to change the developers. To be fair, though, their voice actors were getting old. They were going to pass soon anyway. Jouno teared up just thinking about it.

Tecchou sighed after hearing the beep, signaling that Jouno hung up. He understood that he loved Pokémon, but to the extent of crying? He didn't think so. Jouno had always been a strong man. He never cried in front of anyone but Tecchou, and had only cried for Tecchou, Teruko and Tachihara. Never anything else. Not the loss of his eyesight, not the loss of his friends in his past criminal organisation. Tecchou contemplated just flying back to Yokohama to comfort him, but due to his job with Teruko, he couldn't. He wished it was Jouno and not Teruko, but Fukuchi has insisted that Jouno took a break. Tecchou did agree on that, though, so he was at fault as well.

"Riing, riing, riiing." Jouno's phone rang repeatedly, but he didn't make any move to answer it. He knew it was Tecchou, he had a special ringtone for him, but he just couldn't bring himself to answer. He was angry, upset— he didn't expect the developers of his favourite childhood show to suddenly remove all his favourite characters from the show. It wasn't supposed to happen. Where was their happy ending? Jouno's childhood was stripped away from him cruelly, and as the most crucial part of his childhood, Pokémon was a memory that Jouno loved thinking about. He never forgot how all the original Pokémon looked like, he remembered all their names— he remembered what all the characters looked like, Ash, Iris, Misty, Brock, Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, Dawn, and so much more.

The phone rang once again, and despite how annoying it was, he picked up. "What!?" His voice was aggressive and agitated, he just wanted to get it over and done with. "I— I'm sorry. I know how much the show means to you, but we can't really control the developers' actions and decisions. I just hope that you know that you can always call me if you feel down later in the night, and Tachihara's still in Yokohama with you... please take care of yourself. Rest well." Tecchou sounded so distant and concerned, Jouno started tearing up even more. "I'll hang up now if you—" "No! I.. don't leave me. Please." Jouno was surprised by his own words, but he didn't want Tecchou to leave. He sounded so distant, he sounded as if he wanted to leave Jouno for good. "...Of course, I would never leave you. I'll stay on call whilst you sleep if you'd like."

"...Yes, please.." It was soft, but somehow Tecchou got the message. "Alright, now go to sleep. It's already 1am in Yokohama, isn't it? You'll fall sick if you don't get enough rest, you can complain to me when you wake up, yeah?" "Mhm... Tecchou?"


"You wouldn't leave me because I'm a bitch sometimes. Right?"

"I'd never leave you, even if you were a bitch. I know it's hard for you to take it in, so don't worry. I love you." Those three words immediately allowed Jouno to relax, his tense shoulders and shallow breathing evening out. "I- I love you too, Tecchou. Thank you."

Jouno got a well-deserved rest that night, and Tecchou didn't because Jouno was complaining when it was night time for him! He didn't tell Jouno though :3

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