suegiku harry potter au cos its been clawing at me

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so to clarify tecchou is in gryffindor (i think thats how u spell it 🤯), jouno is a slytherin, teruko is gryffindor and tachihara is hufflepuff 👺 enjoy (masked royale vv cool with his shirtless self but ngl hes boring af so stereotypical but its cyno's va so)

A Gryffindor. A fucking Gryffindor, Tecchou Suehiro. Out of all people, why did Jouno fall in love with Tecchou? The Gryffindors and Slytherins constantly bickered and argued, so why? Plus, Tecchou was arguably one of the most annoying people in Gryffindor, with his stoic face and monotonous tone, many Slytherins found it annoying to have to face him. He had the absolute worst food combinations, and he was completely oblivious to everything. He was a try-hard, always managing to top classes no matter what. Jouno was sick of his antics. He hated how Tecchou's every word made him breathless. The mere mention of Tecchou gave Jouno butterflies. They're supposed to hate each other, so why, why must the universe be so cruel to Jouno? They aren't supposed to like, let alone love, each other. So why must fate put him in such an awkward position?

Tecchou was staring Jouno down, looking at the blind man as if he was the most delicate piece of jewelry in the world. The brunette looked at Jouno with utmost concern, as Teruko, his friend, had beat Jouno up. He was merely walking by, nothing more. So why must the Gryffindor randomly just waltz up to Jouno and punch him? What right did she have? Were Slytherins not allowed to walk freely? "..Sorry about that. Teruko has a tendency to charge at Slytherins, and I wasn't watching her at the time." Tecchou's deep, sonorous voice sounded, and Jouno couldn't help the red flush that formed on his face. Tecchou pulled him up and his hand felt warm against Jouno's, and Jouno reluctantly let go of him. His pride wouldn't allow it. Jouno moved his hand away rather aggressively, and huffed as Tecchou asked, "Are you okay?" Jouno responded with a curt nod before walking away, "Ah." Tecchou stared at Jouno as he walked away, smiling softly. Tecchou's seen him around many times before, and he knew enough information about Jouno to know that Jouno would've snapped at him, or cast a spell on him. He knew that Jouno definitely developed a certain fondness for him, since they've been paired up much more than the other Gryffindors and Slytherins would've liked. They were put together to represent the school for both wits and strength, and therefore Hogwarts emerged victorious all the time. They were an "unstoppable duo", and other schools know they've lost before they even started trying. "Oh? Tecchou-san, developing a fondness for him? Hah! Imagine liking one of those disgusting Slytherins, ugh." Teruko scoffed, and Tecchou felt kind of awkward in that situation. "..." 

"Huh- oh, hello Jouno!" Tachihara, a Hufflepuff, smiled, waving at Jouno. Tachihara was the only person among the four houses to actually get along well with everyone, giving him a great advantage in stopping fights and stuff. But he was actually also Jouno's cousin, which makes it even better. Tachihara may be popular, but everyone had their own best friend already, so he often felt left out. Jouno would make him feel included, especially since Jouno himself wasn't someone easy to get along with. "Are you alright? I saw Teruko punch you earlier.. your nose is bleeding, too." "I'm fine, Tachihara. And I knew that, I'm actually going to wash it off right now." Jouno spoke, though his tone lacked any bite. Tachihara accompanied Jouno to wash it off, so both of them were entertained. "Hey, Jouno?" Tachihara asked hesitantly, continuing withh the hesitance when Jouno nodded. "Well- I was wondering.. do you.. like Tecchou?" Tachihara was sharper than he looked, and it was honestly an absolute pain in the ass sometimes. "... What about it?" Jouno spoke, his voice menacing, as if to threaten Tachihara to not tell anyone. "Hehe, I knew it! Tecchou talked to me yesterday about how he noticed you looking at him during class. He told me to ask you if anything was wrong, since he's probably shy!" Tachihara finished, satisfied with the new tea he had received. "... This is going to be a long year." Jouno sighed, and left Tachihara in the toilet to his thoughts.

heyhey this is short but i promise there'll be a part 2 by thursday 😭 i hope i dont forget omfg

ANYWAYS ilyall tysm for reading <3 

ANYWAYS ilyall tysm for reading <3 

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