jouno on his high

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"I am orange!! Eheeheeeeee, Tecchouuuuu.." Jouno slurred his words, not high, but acting very, VERY high.

"Jouno- are you drunk?"

"Drunk on alcohol? No, drunk on coffee? Yes." He replied, giggling after every word. Tecchou knew he'd be a pain to deal with.

Tecchou has never seen Jouno drink, and Jouno says that he had never drunk before, so he doesn't know if Jouno's a lightweight or not. It doesn't seem like he's a lightweight, but getting high on coffee must mean that he hasn't slept in more than a week, purely living off caffeine and arguments.

"Jouno, c'mon. Let's go to your room."

"Why? You feeling a bit horny?" Jouno cackled, and Tecchou shook his head.

"No. Because you need sleep." Tecchou dragged a protesting Jouno along, knowing that getting him to sleep would be a major problem.

They lay down on Jouno's bed, Jouno wide awake and wanting to get up, Tecchou forcing him down with chains. Fake chains, yes. All a part of Jouno's caffeine imaginations.

"Nooooo, don't chain me to the beeddddd!! I don't want to sleep keeheeeeeoo..!"

"God, Jouno. Go to sleep. Please." Tecchou sighed, a headache forming. It wouldn't be long until he bursts, he thought, eyes narrowing slightly. Jouno could feel Tecchou's stress, deciding to not be annoying for a while. Genuinely, Tecchou thought that Jouno when he's high on anything, would let his inner child out. Just because. And he was right, Jouno was acting like a child. Jouno hugged Tecchou, arms wrapped around his torso as his head lay on his chest, listening to his blood flow and pulse. Tecchou found it to be rather cute, hugging Jouno back as he pulled him close.

"Meeeowww..!" Jouno mumbled, his inner child showing very much. It was adorable, though, seeing him live the childhood he never had. "Jouno, sleep. Please?" Tecchou spoke again, a bit calmer now. "Hmph, fine. But I better get a reward for it!!" On a normal ocassion, Jouno would simply refuse and cuss at Tecchou, so hearing Jouno just listening to him was honestly a dream come true. "Of course. Now, rest."

They drifted off to sleep in each others' embrace, except one never woke up again. 😈😈😈 

so short wtf

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