suegiku hp au part 2 but its different storyline

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haha so like this is suegiku harry potter again but this time tecchou has autism and jouno is really patient with autistic people because siblings or some shit but tecchou's autism gives problems with his speaking so jouno helps him through it all >:))(hello tecchou from the bsd server <3 @akaaashrei i swear this isnt angst pls dont not love me)

"The Quidditch match is won by Gryffindor, congratulations!" Ms Yosano shouted into the microphone, hurting both Jouno's ears and his heart. 'Well, that's a cruel way to announce it.' Jouno grumbled, glaring with closed eyelids in the speaker's direction. 

"A-are you o-ka-y?" A soft, sonorous voice sounded through Jouno's ears, and though it was extremely pleasing to Jouno, his pride would never let him admit that. "What the fuck do you want?!" Jouno spoke, and the other boy shuddered slightly and took a step back. "I-I jus-t wanted to as-k if you ar-e ok-ay.. I sa-w you fli-nch when Yos-ano-sensei sp-oke into the mi-crophone..." He sounded extremely wounded and scared, like an abandoned puppy on the streets. Jouno's voice softened as he apologised. "It's okay, thank you for your concern. Do you, by any chance, have autism?" 

"Wh-at's tha-t..?" 

"Autism is a complicated condition that includes problems with communication and behaviour, but autistic people are normally very smart, they just don't know how to show it."

"Oh... H-ow do I kn-ow if I'm sm-ar-t?" 

"Well, how much do you normally get for tests?"

"F-ull mark-s.."

Jouno was taken aback by his answer and thought for a while. The boy was autistic, as he had suspected, but his level of autism was pretty high if he had never seen, or rather heard, the boy around before. Plus, his high grades and stuff made it pretty clear that his amount of knowledge wasn't like others. 

"Ah. Seems like you do have autism."

"I-is that b-ad?" 

"No, it's not. Don't worry about it. What's your name?"

"Te-cchou Su-ehiro..."

"Alright, Tecchou-san, then. I'm Jouno Saigiku. Come to me if you ever need help, alright? But be careful of the other Slytherins, do you have other friends?" 

"Y-es.. Kenji-ku-n, Teru-ko-san and T-achihar-a-kun." 

"Ah, of course Tachihara-kun is your friend." Jouno chuckled lightly and Tecchou did not, absolutely did not understand what was so funny. "Wh-at about Tach-ihara-kun?" Tecchou asked, still confused. "Nothing, nothing! It's just that Tachihara-kun is my cousin." Tecchou blinked a few times before coming to understand. "O-h." "Well, what position did you play in the match?" Tecchou was silent for a while, wondering why Jouno didn't see him. Then it hit him. "O-oh, sorr-y... I didn'-t realis-e that yo-u're blind..! I wa-s the See-ker." Jouno was surprised, yet somehow he expected that answer. "Well, you're a very good Seeker, Tecchou-san. Although, I'm sure you would've gotten the Snitch earlier if it weren't for Dazai-san over there. He's rather annoying as a Seeker, and he does resort to cheating sometimes. I don't really like him; he likes being a busybody, and does tend to..." Jouno continued ranting to Tecchou about how annoying Dazai was, and even gave Tecchou tips on how to counter the little tricks Dazai has up his sleeve. They ended up talking until Tachihara came to look for Tecchou, and Tachihara just gasped dramatically at Jouno when he saw them interacting. "Tecchou-san, don't befriend this guy! He used to be a bully at our muggle school." Jouno rolled his eyes through closed eyelids and spoke once again. "That rumour is extremely helpful, if you didn't know. All the noisy people are avoiding me, and I'm getting bullied, it's great!" (its an inside joke because jouno used to beat people up for bullying tachihara but people took it seriously)

"...Well! Haha. Let's go Tecchou." To Tachihara's surprise, Tecchou refused to move from Jouno's side, even scooting slightly closer to Jouno. He'd developed a fondness towards the blind boy, and wanted stay with him a while more. "I- wow, Jouno-san. If you end up bullying Tecchou or taking advantage of him, face both my and Teruko-san's wrath." Tachihara threatened, but Jouno knew that Tachihara was a good kid, and he's never hurt a fly. This "Teruko-san", however, sounded quite dangerous. "Sure, suit yourself." "Pfft, anyways! Tecchou-san, Teruko-san is going to the headmaster for beating someone up again, so meet us at the usual place when you're done, 'kay?" Tecchou merely nodded, looking at the milky skin (help how to use the phrase) on Jouno's hand. He felt himself drawing random things on Jouno's hand, for no particular reason. Jouno just let him, as Jouno continued talking about random things that happen in the Slytherin dorms. To Tecchou, Jouno was different. Jouno didn't take pity on him, rather Jouno understood him. He treated Tecchou like other kids. And Tecchou liked the fuzzy feeling that formed in his heart at the thought. 

After another thirty minutes or so of talking about random things, Jouno decided to accompany Tecchou to the "spot" Tachihara spoke of. Tecchou was a relatively quiet kid, so Jouno decided to just hold his hand gently, as Tecchou seemed to like the feel of his hand intertwined with Jouno's. And he did. The warm, fuzzy feeling never left his heart when they were in contact with each other, and Tecchou absolutely, definitely loved it. 

"Oh, there they are. I'll take my leave now, see you around." Jouno smiled, a genuine smile. And Tecchou couldn't help but smile back. "O-kay. Bye-by-e." Jouno turned to leave, and Tecchou fell onto the grass happily, but his friends saw and rushed over. "WHAT DID THAT SLYTHERIN DO TO YOU?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Teruko freaked out, while Tecchou just had this blank look on his face. But in his eyes, if you look closely, you'll be able to catch a glimpse of lovesickness in them. He was happy. Genuinely very very happy. Happier than he had ever been in his life. He felt loved, not in a friendship way. He felt like he'd known Jouno his entire life, but they'd only met three hours prior to the current time. "Jouno," he whispered. "Jouno." 

"I miss Jouno."


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