"where did it all begin, if not from you, love?"

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Love, a confusing, special feeling that makes butterflies flutter in your stomach. That feeling that erupts in you, hitting you in all your weak spots, to form an even bigger weak spot. Iconic, but that's how it is. Love is strong, and if used in the right way, it can create something sensational. On the other hand, love can also break you apart. Torture you, until all you want to do is die. You'll hate ever loving that one person, and all you live for is a lie. Pretend that your beloved is on a trip, and he'll come home soon. Pray, that they're doing well, wherever they are. You'll hear their voice ringing through your ears at night, but then you awake, and you're greeted with a darkness that is all too familiar. This is the journey of Tecchou Suehiro, a great swordsman in the royal family. He isn't blood related to them, but rather he protected them, and was even married to one of them, the sole one of them who was killed. Assassinated, without a second thought. 

"Oi, Tecchou! Be useful for once, we just moved. Do you think I'd be able to do all the unpacking by myself, plus I can't navigate my way around the house!" Jouno shouted, yelling at his raven-haired husband to get up and help him. Hearing this, Tecchou got up and took Jouno's hand in his own, slowly guiding him through the house. Tecchou carried the bigger and heavier boxes, while Jouno carried the small stuff and instructed Tecchou on where to put the furniture and their belongings. Soon after, Jouno got bored and screamed at Tecchou to turn music on. Soon after, the music was on, and Jouno sang along gently, as Tecchou fell into a trance. "He's charming and endearing and I'm comfortable, but I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain. It's 2a.m. and I'm cursing your name! So in love, that I acted insane, and that's the way I loved youuu!" Jouno belted into his imaginary microphone, bursting into laughter along with Tecchou at the exaggerated end. "Mmm, Saigiku?" "What is it?" "I love you." Jouno could never get used to those three words, since they were said by the only person he truly loved to the moon and back. "I- hm! I love you t-too, now let's pack up some more!"

Tecchou reminisced, smiling at the fond memories they made together. Moving in with Jouno was one of the best decisions he had made in his life, but he still blamed himself for falling in love with Jouno. If only they had never met, then Tecchou wouldn't have had to stay alive, while Jouno died. In actual fact, Tecchou had lived with a friend of his, Teruko. They were very close, similar to siblings, and many people mistake them as siblings. Teruko was how Jouno and Tecchou met, actually. 

"Haaaah! Hirooooo, you're finally here!" Teruko smiled and waved (emoted) at the approaching man. They managed to graduate into a military unit that served the royal family, called the Hunting Dogs. They managed to pass the strength trial, however, both of them only got an average mark for the intelligence factor. Teruko was slightly younger, but she had the potential to be a Hunting Dog, so they let her in. "Hello, Teruko." He nodded at Teruko before giving her a questioning look about the man beside her. The man had white, shiny hair with blood red tips at the end. His eyes were closed, and he had beautifully long lashes, making Tecchou blush slightly. "Oh. Tecchou.. how do you not know the prince..?" Tecchou stood there for a while, processing what Teruko just said. "Oh, greetings then, prince..?" Jouno chuckled slightly before nodding at Tecchou, who was smiling. "His name is Saigiku Jouno, he's younger than you by two years and is a natural at geography.. oh, he's also incapable of seeing, no offence." Jouno smiled warmly and shook his head, indicating that it was alright. Tecchou let out an exhale, and Teruko sent him a funky look. "Well then, Saigiku-san, pleased to meet your acquaintance."

That was the day Tecchou first met his beloved, and he was in love with him ever since. He can't seem to forget Jouno, no matter how hard he tries. Anything that comes to mind, he'll think of the man that changed his life. If you told him 'scissors', the first thing that comes into his mind is 'Jouno liked cutting his hair to perfection.' If you told him 'cold', he'd think 'Is Jouno feeling cold right now? He used to hate the cold..' Their love was strong, barely anything could break it. "..Hey," Teruko sat down beside the swordsman, who was unmoving. Dried tear stains were evident on his face, and he felt like he had cried everything out already. "Are you.. okay..? I mean— you clearly aren't.." Teruko spoke, her eyes already welling up with tears. "W-well, we found his will. I'm sure he would want you to read it first. He told me before, when you guys were still just friends. The crushing phase, y-y'know.?" Teruko sniffled and broke down silently, while Tecchou comforted her. Somehow. 

"Ah, Jouno! What do you think of Tecchou?" Teruko giggled, trying to force a confession out of him. "Well— I think he's pretty cute, and hot. I know what you're trying to do, don't try me. But this is serious. He's the one person I'd want to see my will first. Like, I don't care about anyone else, besides you too." Jouno smiled, daydreaming about Tecchou seeing his will first. "It's not like I want to die, though." Jouno added, so that Teruko doesn't get a weird idea.

Thinking back on the days, Teruko cried a lot more, before handing the will over to Tecchou. "Read it out loud, okay?"

 Tecchou nodded and read.

"I didn't know I was capable of loving until I met you. Tecchou, I love you. I would have spent my whole life with you, but rather unfortunately, I died. I really love you Tecchou. I never mean any of those 'I hate you's and 'go die already's. I just say them because I don't want to admit that every little annoying thing you do makes my heart flutter, and it aches for you. When you read this, don't go off killing yourself, okay? Protect my family. I hate them, but they still matter to me. But most importantly, I know that they'll kill you if you try to do anything funny. And I want you to live on, all the way until you die of old age, or a disease. Take my place as the prince, and continue the legacy. Or, alternately, you could go pursue your dreams. Protect Teruko, and 'slice everything in your path'! That works too. Kill my family if you want, then you can pass on the royal title, or remove it altogether. Just spare my horses because they're cute. I love you. Where did my ability to love come from, if not from you, my love?"

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