Splendor x Fem! Reader

Start from the beginning

"You can't buy my forgiveness," Y/N hisses, throwing the hundred back at him. "Piss off."

"Wait!" He cries, grabbing Y/N by the arm when she jerks up to storm off. "I'm not trying to buy anything! I just wanted to thank you for returning the ring. While I would love to use it on my ex she's moved on already."

"Poor you," She hisses back.

"I need your help!" He cries. "I want to show her she doesn't control me. Please. I want to take you to dinner but I need to get you spruced up.

Y/N stares him dead in the face as she contemplates his request. Well, he seemed sincere enough and nice enough. He got fucked over. It wouldn't hurt to help him stand up to his ex. Besides, what did she have to lose anyway?

"Alright, fine. In return you give me two joined hotel rooms for three nights," Y/N tells him.

"Deal! Now come!" He grins, tugging het arm and catching her in his chest.

She grunts when the ground suddenly drops from under her, feeling dizzy and compressed against the man's chest. He smelled like a candy factory. It was a sweet and very alluring smell for her. She'd never stepped foot in a candy store of or factory but if she had to guess he was what they smelled like.

"You can wear one of her dresses. There's one she hasn't touched because it's not her style or something. My brother made it special," Splendor explains.

Y/N looks around his room in amazement. This was bigger than any apartment she'd ever lived in! Her eyes widen when he brings out the most stunning dress she'd ever seen. She'd never even touched something that expensive!

"Here it is! A shower is in order then we'll get you dressed up!"

"I couldn't possibly wear something like that. I'll only ruin it," Y/N protests. "I can't do this."

"Please! I just wanted revenge on my ex so I could meet you again and get to know you. When you threw that ring back at me like that I realized. You had a determination that she doesn't have," He explains. "Please?"

Y/N is shocked by his words, having no idea how to even process this. This rich guy liked her even though he knew she was homeless. That doesn't just happen! It was more like some fairytale but if she was honest, that's exactly what she's wished for all her life. Her dreams never went away no matter how bad things got. Even if it was just for a night, maybe it's time she let herself really enjoy herself. Have fun before she goes back to the street.

"Okay. Okay. I'll do it," She huffs. "But first I need to know your name."

"Oh! It's Splendorman or just Splendor for short," He tells her.

"I'm Y/N," She tells him with a chuckle.

"All supplies are in the tub already. Do you know your measurements?" He asks.

"Measurements?" Y/N asks him, completely confused. Measurements for what?

"Well, you're bust size," He explains.

"Oh. I do know that," She says, giving him her measurements before she goes into the bathroom to shower.

She gets the temperature to her liking before she undresses, leaving her layers of clothes in a pile and entering the shower. The door goes from clear to white so no one can see inside. That was handy. She shaves and does everything thing she needed to look the part. She's surprised to find her clothes gone but changes into the undergarments and dress Splendor had left her.

"I put all of your clothes in the wash!" He calls from the closet when he hears her exit the bathroom.

"Oh! Thank you," She tells him.

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