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Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Steve, Dustin and I come across a large field, covered with used and broken down cars, torn metals and literal rubbish. The old junkyard we stand before brought back memories from last year where the kids and I were stationed in a bus almost getting kidnapped by the government but Chief came to our rescue.

And now, we return.

The three of us begin throwing the leftover chunks of raw meat in the centre of the field and then douse the meat with gasoline. We lead the gasoline to the bus where we plan to hide in when Dart comes to eat the meat, where we will then plan to throw a lighter at the trail of gasoline and watch him burn.

I hope.

"I said medium-well!" The familiar voice of Lucas Sinclair calls out to us from the top of the field. He stands beside his bike with Jenny and a red-headed girl, who I've known to call Max. She's Billy's sister, also Jenny's new bestie.

"Who's that?" Steve questions Dustin, as the three of us watch them walk down the field toward us. Dustin doesn't answer as he stares them down, a sour look on his face. Steve looks at me questioning his behaviour.

But before I could even dare to open my mouth to let him know that this is some love-square, and the red haired girl is Dustin's crush, Jenny, Lucas and Max stand right in front of us. Jenny likes Lucas, but Lucas likes Max and Dustin also likes her and I have no idea where Max stands.

"Seeing Steve and Danielle help us for another year has got to be some witchy juju." Jenny greets with a bright smile on her small face, holding her small backpack on her back.

"Yeah, probably. We'd never do this out of the kindness of our hearts." I reply and after an awkward silence coming from Dustin who stares intently at Max — who doesn't even dare to say hello to his crush, causes Steve to interject and clap his hands to remove this awkward tension from the kids.

"I'm guessing we don't have to do a rundown of the plan?" Steve questions and the kids shake their head, Max just shrugs. "Right, then let's go."

"Lucas. Jenny. Get over here." Dustin orders as he moves away from Steve, Max and I, hiding behind a broken-down car to speak with his friends.

"Is he always like this?" Max asks us and points to Dustin, who watches as Lucas and Jenny walk over to him.

"Yeah...ish." I respond and Steve nods agreeing with my comment.

"I guess we'll start with the reconstructing of the bus." Steve orders and we look around at the other three kids who still whisper amongst each other, not caring that we were losing daylight.

"Guess so."

The three of us wander about, grabbing spare metals and parts to try and cover the bus with. I wheel a tyre with my gloved hands, pushing it near the rundown school bus. I hear a quiet groan coming from behind me. I look back to see Max, who struggles to move a ladder. I rush over to her aid and help her lift it.

Summer Royalty | Steve HarringtonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz