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Today was a stressful day. I let my siblings have the day off school today whilst the parents worked. I had to pull up my big girl pants and take care of the twins, which wasn't that hard to do but I tried my best to take their mind off of it.

And so, eventually I gave up and just let them go out to Mikes. It kinda became too much for me trying to help them heal from their best friends death and I know that being with their other friends is all they really wanna do.

The telephone kept ringing non-stop and soon enough I was over it. Steve Harrington kept calling trying to apologise and talk to me about the other day— him fucking Nancy.

I'm so over hearing the fucking telephone ring over and over again, I'm about to rip my hair out. Maybe I could get out of the house... but do what? I have no friends, where the hell would I go? I could just call up my mom and see if she has any errands to run that I could enjoy.

So I do exactly that...

"The morgue? Why do you want me there?" I ask my mother over the telephone.

"I left my briefcase in a room." My mom replies but I don't say anything.

"What? Why can't you do this?"

"My hours are always different. I don't even know when I'm off. Look, we shouldn't be talking about this over the phone, can you just do as I say?"

"Yeah, fine. Sure. What room?"

My mom ends the call shortly after telling me about the room she left her case in. I run a hand across my face before I hang the phone back onto the wall.

She wanted me to go all the way to the morgue grab a freaking briefcase for her. When I thought of errands she would've told me would be to grab some dvds to watch, or snacks and wine. Guess not.

I grab a paper bag to put some snacks in for me, feeling quite peckish and then I quickly grab my purse from my room. I make my way back over to the phone attached to the wall and call up Mike Wheeler's place with the number I sadly had to memorise. The phone takes a couple of rings before it's answered.


"Hi! Mrs. Wheeler, could you let Andy and Jenny know that they should be back home soon and that I'm not gonna be home when they return." I inform her as I lean on the wall and play with the cord.

"Of course, sweetie."


"Stay safe and don't stay out too long, you know what happened to the Byers kid."

I nod to myself, "I know, I won't."

We say our goodbyes and I slam the phone back to it's place. I run outside and shut the front door behind me, and quickly lock it.

Summer Royalty | Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now