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"Now, be careful. Next time, get your boyfriend to hang a clock on the wall. You know those men will always be stronger and they wouldn't have dropped a hammer on their head." The female nurse says as she walks off, leaving me alone inside the hospital room.

I roll my eyes at her comment.

I sit up on the bed with my legs dangling off the edge of the side. I took a painkiller the doctors gave me earlier so the throbbing in my head will stop soon, hopefully. I let out a sigh as I think about the moments earlier in the evening.

After the Demogorgon and Eleven literally vanished into thin air, the kids and I stayed huddled together too afraid of what could possibly come next. Mike, the only one who didn't sit with us as he was screaming out for Eleven.

The rest of us sat for a while until someone entered. A man walk toward us, a pitiful smile on his face. He was an older guy, my guess, he didn't look that much younger than that evil scientist guy.

"You're safe now. The girl and the creature are gone. You're not part of the plan."

Part of the plan?

Soon after a couple more men in uniform rush over, helping us stand. Some of them bombard us with question but none of the kids or myself open our mouths.

How on Earth are we supposed to explain what the hell happened? A monster came out from the walls and started attacking and eating people, and then came to us but Eleven, a little girl with powers, saved the kids and I by throwing the monster to a wall and making it and her disappear into thin air.

How do we explain that without sounding like utter lunatics?

There's one thing I've been dying to know is how the bad men figured out we were here. We only stayed at the school for an hour or two and they found us instantly, we never even left the place or spoke to anyone, not a word.

Unless someone told... but no, no one did. Who and why would they tell? Did someone see us?

"Danielle!" The door to the hospital room I'm in shoves open. My mom rushes inside straight towards me. "What happened? Are you okay?" She wraps her arms around me and pulls me close to her. James follows in soon after her.

"I'm fine. I hate Hawkins Lab." I whisper to her, leaving my arms to my side. My mom takes a small step back, her arms falling off me and she puts her a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Why? What's going on?" She questions, a worried look on her face.

"As if you don't know," I scoff. She works there and is literally acting like she has zero idea behind what they're actually doing. "They're the reason we're all here."

"I'm sorry, sweetie. It was hard trying to hide everything from you, it's why I was barely home. I couldn't do it... I couldn't," I laugh, confused with what she was trying to say to me. "They gave me a deal, if I stayed silent and did what they told, then we'd get 500k, and after Andy's medical bills... we needed that."

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