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♛double update (read 2

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double update (read 2.02 & 2.03)

"It's October 31st, why do you still want to get pumpkins?" I ask Jenny as she pedals beside me, a slight puff escaping my lips. Yesterday was... tiring. My legs ached all night 'till this morning. I barely remember it but I can still feel and remember how good it felt. How good I felt.

"Because it's Halloween." Jenny answers biking a little bit faster than I am. My bike wiggles as I try to ignore the dizzy spell from the comedown of that drug.

"Exactly?" I question her confused, laying my wrist on the handles of the bike. Rolling my neck, as I cautiously keep an eye out for any cars.

"Exactly," she says. "We can never have too much pumpkins. Besides, the one me and the boys carved are already moulding."

"Perfect for the Halloween spirit." I smirk.

"No. Look, Halloween's the best holiday and we used to not go all out at home but now that we're in a smaller place, it'd be nice to make it look less daunting."

"Right, nothing like making something less daunting than Halloween decorations."

"I'm serious!" Jenny laughs as I bike in zig-zag motions. Jenny copying and sticking close to me so we're still able to talk.

"Yeah, I know. You just want to liven up our home. I get it." I give her a small nod because it's true. I do get it.

Our home is a one storey bore. The small steps that leads to the front of the house were broken and cracked. James said he'll try to fix them but he's always busy working so he never has the time. I could get a job and try help out but the thought of me working at Melvald's General Store makes me want to gouge my eyes out, especially since Joyce Byers works there too. I do not want to run into Jonathan who would definitely come into the store and give his mother dinner in a doggy bag.

Anyways, maybe one day we can make a little planter to make the house look pretty or actually, move the fuck out of there.

"What're you thinking about?" Jenny's softly-spoken voice brings me out of my thoughts. I look up, she no longer rides beside me, instead she's now in front of me. I hum thinking of a lie.

"Pumpkins," I respond as we come across a large sign reading Merrill's Pumpkin Patch turns up on our left and I nod my head to the farm. "We're here."

"It's quiet." Jenny notes and I nod agreeing with her. Usually, it would've been packed with kids, similar to Jenny's age picking pumpkins with their parents but there are no cars on the road, or parked by the farm. My only thought is, maybe they were at Eugene's patch.

Jenny and I bike towards the entry. We hop off the bikes and drop them down to the grass. A strong smell of something rotting fills my nose. I look down at Jenny who holds her nose.

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